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Re: Name and location for ~/.folders file


(setq wl-folders-file "~/.emacs.d/wl-folders")

(setq wl-init-file  "YOUR_PATH")

On Tue, 31 Mar 2015 18:08:51 +0300, Pavel Kretov wrote:
> Hello to everybody.
> I've just finished setting up (that took pretty long, unfortunately)
> and started to use Wanderlust, but there are some things I just cannot
> really understand:
>  ― Who had named folder configuration file ~/.folders?
>  ― Why is it supposed that name is good and nobody else would want to use it?
>  ― And finally, how can I move it to, say, ~/.emacs.d/wl-folders?
> The same applies to ~/.wl, I cannot believe nobody thinks its easy to
> miss "WL" acronym with, for example, "wireless" (my wireless driver
> kernel module is actually called so) or anything from the
> list found on http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WL?
> ――― Pavel Kretov.