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MIB compilation requirement in "AD Review of I-Ds" (http://www.ietf.org/ID-nits.html)

Another little change that might be usefull is:

     * All MIBs must compile cleanly using "smilint -l 9"
       An email service is available for the check.
       Extract the MIB form the document and send it in the
       body of an email to smilint@ibr.cs.tu-bs.de.

    * All MIBs should compile cleanly using "smilint -l 9"
      An email service is available for the check.
      Extract the MIB from the document and send it in the
      body of an email to smilint@ibr.cs.tu-bs.de.
      This may cause some warnings (and the email service has
      currently no mechanism to supress such warnings). Please
      evaluate the warnings before assuming they are OK. If
      in doubt, feel free to check on the mibs@ops.ietf.org
      mailing list or with OPS AD Bert Wijnen.
A number of people might otherwise be ignoring warnings that
they in fact do need to worry about, or vice versa.

Again, if we do not hear any objections from IESG members
by Tuesday 8am US Eastern, then pls make the change.
