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Re: privacy

>> nope.  to repeat yet again.  we are not discussing privacy *policy*.
>> we are discussing a mechanism by which a wide set of policies may
>> be implemented.  operating system theory 101.
> maybe we had different instructors... to discuss capabilities of
> implementing a policy we must understand the range of policies
> and that is clearly out of scope for this group.

which is one of the reason per-field granularity is desired.  it
maximizes flexibility, i.e., you're not just stuck with "don't
publish tech poc."  it handles the union of requests heard from
various registrars, locales, and registries.

> I took shop class too, where we learned about square pegs, round
> holes and hammers, none of which is of any benefit here.

then why mention them?  can we reduce the slanging match and stick
to engineering and computer science?
