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The Zorn appeal....

according to the procedures I think we have, the first step in IESG processing is to ask the responsible AD to give his/her opinion on the matter.

According to the tracker, that's Randy.

Randy - your comments?


--On onsdag, januar 15, 2003 01:22:28 -0800 Glen Zorn <gwz@cisco.com> wrote:

This is to request that the IESG review and reverse its decision to
approve the document draft-chiba-radius-dynamic-authorization-05.txt for
publication as an Informational RFC.  This draft allocates new RADIUS
packet type codes (40-45).  RFC 2865 states in section 6.2, however, that
"Because a new Packet Type has considerable impact on interoperability, a
new Packet Type Code requires Standards Action...".  I suppose that a case
could be made for "grandfathering in" these type codes if they had been
registered w/IANA under either RFC 2058 or RFC 2138 (both of which lacked
an IANA Considerations section), but the type codes in question have
apparently never been registered with IANA at all (see

Thank you for your attention to this matter.


"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither..."

-- Benjamin Franklin, 1759