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Re: draft-ietf-ipngwg-addr-arch-v3-11.txt

> We had put this document on hold until we heard something further
> regarding the appeal by Robert Elz on January 4, 2003.
> We cannot publish this document until the appeal has been resolved.

I would suggest that the rfc-editor have a conversation with the IESG
about this. In the past, appeals have not blocked the presses,
AFAIK. There is a denial of service attack risk here. The IESG talked
about this internally when the appeal was before the IESG, and my
recollection was that we did not expect the publishing of this
document to be put on hold.

AFAIK, the IESG is unaware that the RFC editor has made a decision to
put the publication of this document on hold.

If you believe the document needs to be held pending resolution of all
outstanding appeals, I believe this warrants further discussion. For
example, it is unclear when all such appeals will be exhausted. It
could be many months.
