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re: draft-ietf-cdi-model-02.txt


The RFC Editor received the "please publish" message below from the Secretariat 
last 16 December 02.



Date: Mon, 16 Dec 2002 15:41:41 -0500
To: RFC Editor <rfc-ed@ISI.EDU>
From: Jacqueline Hargest <jhargest@ietf.org>
Subject: Informational RFC to be: draft-ietf-cdi-model-02.txt 
Cc: iesg@ietf.org

RFC Editor:

The IESG had no problem with the publication of 'A Model for Content
Internetworking (CDI)' <draft-ietf-cdi-model-02.txt>
as an Informational RFC.


1. Please REMOVE last paragraph of introduction (page 3).
2. Please REMOVE 2nd paragraph of Acknowledgment section (just before
3. Please CHANGE "References" to "Normative References".
4. Please REMOVE references 4-9.

Thank you,
Jacqueline Hargest
Assistant Director
IETF Secretariat