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RE: FW: Who owns/has change control over Printer/Finisher MIBs an d IA NA r elated MIBs

The problem is that these guys used to be a IETF WG, and
they went off on their own and have all sorts of (closed
to non-members) meetings where they do the work.

In the end, they eat up a lot of time from me and my MIB
doctors to review theit sh..., I mean stuff. And this
print-mib itslef is still kind of OK (after having had
5 or so revisions based on repeated comments from me and
a few key MIB doctors).

The other document draft-ietf-printmib-finishing-14.txt
has again similar stuff to RFC2707 on which we put an IESG note.
I feel for a similar IESG note for this one.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Scott Bradner [mailto:sob@harvard.edu]
> Sent: maandag 10 februari 2003 14:56
> To: bwijnen@lucent.com; sob@harvard.edu
> Cc: iesg@ietf.org
> Subject: RE: FW: Who owns/has change control over 
> Printer/Finisher MIBs
> an d IA NA r elated MIBs
> if there is no such clause I see nothing that would be an issue with
> Bert's plan process-wise but wonder why not publish it as a PS
> what is the problem we are trying to solve by publishing as an info
> Scott