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Re: Jabber?

On Mon, Mar 10, 2003 at 07:38:22PM -0800, Marshall Rose wrote:
> > I've wasted several hours on two occasions trying to get a client installed
> > for Redhat Linux.  Anyone who done this, please let me know.
> for folks who absolutely can not get something to compile, but who do
> have tcl/tk already on their system, you can always use tkabber:
>     http://www.jabber.ru/projects/tkabber/index_en.html

I've wasted two hours trying to get some kind of jabber client
(gabber, psi, tkabber) working under Debian/testing.

Gabber crashes with a segmentation fault.

I tried briefly to use tkabber, but abandoned it after it started
spewing in a loop (also failing).  I also wasn't convinced that it was
in fact using SSL, and decided I didn't want to take the chance that
it was spewing a password all over the terminal room network mu

I also tried psi, and it kvetched about an "invalid SSL store", with
no explanations about how to fix it.

At this point, it's consumed more time than I can afford to allocate
to this, so I've given up.  Perry is sitting next to me in the
terminal room, and he's also be trying (with great amounts of
frustration) to get gabber working on his netbsd system.

Ah well; I suppose the silver lining of all of this is that between
IRC, Sametime, and Zephyr, all of which I need to monitor at for one
reason or another, I need another IM system about as much as I need
another hole in my head....

						- Ted