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RE: WG Chairs Training

Dear all -

I'm talking about the OTHER condition - a working group draft is
called (I'm dreaming, but)
draft-dawkins-trigtran-framework-01.txt, because a working group
liked it.

For the last several years, the working group chairs training
has been ambiguous as to whether this is a good idea or not,
leaning slightly toward "yes", because you lose continuity when
you change the draft name and reset to revision 00.

The real answer MAY BE "no", because no one will read it unless
they click on it from the working group home page, so go ahead
and change the name and revision number.

But I'm still not sure what the real answer IS.

Having me pop up with
draft-ietf-v6ops-wonderful-idea-about-site-local-00.txt is the
mirror-image problem, not the one I was pointing out for the
working group chair training. It's also an interesting problem,
of course...


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