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For anyone who's been around for long enough, the highlight
of the session was when Larry Masinter bravely called on
John Klensin to step forward and slaughter the wg... Ahhhh,
8 years later we can all laugh about it. [*]

Key points of discussion:

Updating RFC2396 to Standard -- work is underway to identify
the points of unclarity in the URI draft standard document.
The goal is to revise it and move it forward. So far, the
issues identified truly do seem to be about clarifying the
text, not re-engineering the URI architecture, so this is
tractable. It's being handled by work on a mailing list,
and no WG is proposed. Goal timeframe -- to have the
document revised and ready for mailing list last call before
the July IETF.

Internationalized Resource Identifiers -- IRIs

The W3C is already including IRIs in its specs; but they don't have
a spec to reference for the IRIs. This is one of the pieces
of work that motivated the IAB document (draft-iab-char-rep).
Still a lot of work to do in terms of understanding the ways in
which IRIs could be used instead of URIs, or how to make
them correlate. Still, no working group expected, yet.
Work will continue on an IRI-specific mailing list to be


[*] If you haven't been around (APPS) long enough... in 1995
John Klensin (then APPS area co-director with Harald) blew
up the URI WG, chaired by Larry Masinter.


Yours to discover."
-- ThinkingCat
Leslie Daigle