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Re: Fwd: FYI: Site Local

>Right. Well, if we take seriously the claim that the consensus is
>defined by the ML, then we ought to discard the room count entirely.

Just as an observation, sometimes there is a difference between
working-group consensus and IETF-wide consensus, with (at times)
the IETF-wide consensus taking into account wider architectural
considerations.  I don't know if this is a factor for the site local
issue, but it would seem reasonable that the mailing list would
mostly reflect the working group, while the WG meeting itself is
more likely to include more voices from the wider IETF (that being
one of the main functions of the WG meetings, it always seems to

(This potential divergence between working-group consensus and
IETF-wide consensus is one of the reasons why it seems so promising
to me to begin to have things like interim reviews, that attempt
to bring IETF-wide issues into the working group.)

- Sally