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Re: [Iesg-only] draft-zeilenga-ldap-user-schema

[discussion returned to IESG list]

--On søndag, april 13, 2003 17:44:05 -0400 Russ Housley <housley@vigilsec.com> wrote:

I am likely to vote DEFER on this document.  I really want to put a
longer hold on it, but I guess I will do that with a DISCUSS if needed.

Here is the political situation.  The LDAP folks have been trying to
figure out the best way to store certificates and CRLs.  This document is
the winning proposal, but the other proposal is not going away quietly.
I really want there to be only one answer.  The alternate proposal wants
to publish their solution as either Informational or Experimental.  I am
strongly opposed.

could you go into a little more detail here, please?
I scanned draft-zeilenga-ldap-user-schema-06 several ways, and could find no references (nil, nada, zero, none) to certificates and CRLs.

If you quote the names of the drafts (both!) that talk about certificates and CRLs, I can probably figure out what you're talking about, having helped muddy those waters before, but at the moment I just can't figure out the linkage.

