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Does the IETF have a prefered format for specifying timezones in?

RFC 3339 seems relevant, but its more about specifying the time itself.

The DHC WG has a dhc option they want to advance that holds the
current timezone in it. E.g, excerting Section 5:

> 5. Timezone option
>    The Timezone option is used by the server to convey client's timezone 
>    information to the client.
>    The format of the Timezone option is:
>        0                   1                   2                   3
>        0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
>       +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
>       |        OPTION_TIME_ZONE       |         option-len            |
>       +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
>       |                            time-zone                          |
>       |                              ...                              |
>       +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
>    option-code:   OPTION_TIME_ZONE (tbd)
>    option-len: Length of the 'time-zone' field in octets
>    time-zone:   Time zone of the client in the format as explained below.
>       Std[Offset[Dst[Offset],[Start[/Time],End[/Time]]]]
>    where '[' and ']' enclose optional fields, '|' indicates choice
>    of exactly one of the alternatives, ',' and '/' represent literal
>    characters present in the string.
>    If "Offset" is specified, then the time-zone is represented in the
>    IEEE 1003.1 POSIX timezone format [3].
>       Std      Three or more octets for the standard timezone (Std).
>                Any character (or case) except a leading colon, digits,
>                comma, minus or plus sign is allowed. If the time-zone
>                is not represented in IEEE 1003.1 POSIX timezone format [3], 
>                then Std is treated as the index to the timezone database,
>                for example, a file name, from where additional information
>                about the timezone may be obtained.
>       Offset   Indicates the value one must add to local time to
>                arrive at UTC, of the form:  [+|-]hh[:mm[:ss]].  Offset
>                following Std is required, if the timezone is represented
>                in IEEE 1003.1 POSIX timezone format. Digits are always 
>                interpreted as decimal number.  If preceded by a '-', the 
>                timezone is east of the Prime Meridian, otherwise it is west 
>                ('+' is optional) The permissible values for hh[:mm[:ss]] are 
>                as follows:
>                   hh       0 <= hh <= 23
>                   mm       0 <= mm <= 60
> 		  ss       0 <= ss <= 60
>       Dst      Three or more octets for the daylight savings timezone.
>                If Dst is missing, then daylight savings time does not
>                apply in this locale.  If no Offset follows Dst, then
>                Dst is assumed to be one hour ahead of standard time.
>                Any character (or case) except a leading colon, digits,
>                comma, minus or plus sign is allowed.
>       Start    Indicates the day of the year, in one of the formats
>                indicated below, when to change to daylight savings time.
>                The ``Time'' field (which follows immediately after a
>                ``/'' character, if present) indicates when the change is
>                made, in local time.
>       End      Indicates the day of the year, in one of the formats
>                indicated below, when to change back from daylight
>                savings time.  The ``Time'' field (which follows
>                immediately after a ``/'' character, if present)
>                indicates when the change is made, in local time.
>       Time     Time has the same format as Offset, except that no
>                leading ``-'' or ``+'' is permitted.  The default is
>                02:00:00.
>    The day of the year needs to be given in any of the following 
>    formats:
>       Jn       The julian day n, (1 <= n <= 365).  Leap days are not
>                counted.
>       n        Zero-based julian day, (0 <= n <= 365).  Leap days are
>                counted so it is possible to refer to Feb 29.
>       Mm.n.d   The ``d''th day, (0 <= d <= 6) of week ``n'' of month
>                ``m'' of the year (1 <= n <= 5, 1 <= m <= 12, where week
>                5 means last ``d'' day in month ``m'' which may occur in
>                either the fourth or the fifth week.  Week ``1'' is the
>                first week in which the ``d'' day occurs. Day ``0'' refers
>                Sunday, day ``1'' refers Monday and so on.
>    Examples:
>    i) Indian Standard Time zone is represented as:
>       IST-5:30
>    Here, ``IST'' refers the standard timezone and ``-5:30'' is the offset. 
>    `-' sign in the offset says that the timezone is 5 hours and 30 minutes
>    ahead of UTC. Absence of ``Dst'' says that daylight savings doesn't apply
>    to this locale.
>    ii) For Eastern USA time zone, 1986, the timezone string is as shown below:
>       EST5EDT4,116/02:00:00,298/02:00:00
>    It says:
>    The standard time zone is in 5 hours behind UTC. The Daylight Savings 
>    Timezone is 4 hours behind UTC. Day light savings starts at 116 day, i.e., 
>    April 27 02:00 AM standard time and ends at 298th day, i.e., October 26 
>    02:00 AM daylight time.
>       It can also represented as:
>       EST5EDT,116/02:00:00,298/02:00:00
>     Since no offset follows the ``Dst'', daylight savings time is 1 hour 
>     ahead of standard time, thus, it is 4 hours behind UTC.
>     iii) Representing ii) in the non POSIX standard way is:
>        America/New-York
>      It says that the locale belongs to New-York timezone in America, which 
>      will be used as the index in to a timezone database to get more 
>      information of the timezone.

I'm struck that this document seems to be defining its own format
without really just deferring to some other standard document. Is this
