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Re: draft-ietf-dhc-dhcpv6-opt-timeconfig-02.txt

--On fredag, april 25, 2003 08:22:02 -0700 Bill Fenner <fenner@research.att.com> wrote:

Indeed.  It's a hard problem to decide what is useful.  The name in the
Olson database is more useful if the node has the Olson database, since
it can know when historical daylight savings time was.  (Was it Daylight
Savings time on April 20, 1969?)  The POSIX rules allow a system without
the database to decide whether or not it's DST right now but doesn't say
anything about when the rule is applicable and when it might have changed.

This almost argues that instead of either/or, the option should always
carry both and let the client decide which one it finds useful.
argues for two options - one for Olsen, one for POSIX?
and a third for "someone else's rules"???????

Leslie - have we been here before? It feels so familiar.....