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Re: Quick question on isakmp-registry.

--On søndag, mai 11, 2003 21:49:31 -0400 "Steven M. Bellovin" <smb@research.att.com> wrote:

I don't see the relevance of this draft.  In fact, though it defines
two new message types, it doesn't even have an IANA Considerations
section.  My question is broader -- there's no document that tells you
or the IESG how to proceed in this registry.  That needs to be fixed.
the generic IANA document says that in the absence of specific guidance, IANA is to follow tradition.
For registries from which we have never handed out values, the tradition could be seen as not handing out values :-)

so I think IANA can, if it wants to and has the support of the IESG, say "these values will not be handed out without the IESG telling us it's OK".

Harald, being restrictive