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In the category of working group news we can use: Kurt Zeilenga
filed an appeal with me against the last call of a chartered
work item for LDUP, asserting that the working group had not
adequately considered his counter proposal. In a message
acknowledging the appeal but not responding formally, I asked Kurt to discuss the
form of the appeal, given that the Last Call had not yet happened
and the opportunity to bring up his issues with the
WG draft again would have been part of that timing. After some
follow up discussions on that point, he and the two co-chairs of
the group agreed on a path forward that will allow for a working
group discussion of his draft in concert with the draft currently
before the working group. This discussion will not be
labelled "working group last call", given that the draft is not
a chartered work item, but both will be discussed in relation
to the client synchronization task in the charter.

For those not aware of it, Kurt has argued for shutting down
LDUP and has written a document "LDUP considered harmful".
I think it very likely that this appeal will come back after the working
group discussion and last call. Heads up.
Ted Hardie