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Ballot: Remote Network Monitoring MIB Protocol Identifier Reference to Draft Standard (Revised)

I have just reallized that the previously sent template is quite
old.  So, here I'm sending revised one and please discard the
previous template.
Sorry for any confusion.


Last Call to expire on: 2003-6-4

	Please return the full line with the vote.

                    Yes    No-Objection  Discuss *  Abstain

Harald Alvestrand   [   ]     [   ]       [   ]      [   ]
Steve Bellovin      [   ]     [   ]       [   ]      [   ]
Randy Bush          [   ]     [   ]       [   ]      [   ]
Bill Fenner         [   ]     [   ]       [   ]      [   ]
Ned Freed           [   ]     [   ]       [   ]      [   ]
Ted Hardie          [   ]     [   ]       [   ]      [   ]
Russ Housley        [   ]     [   ]       [   ]      [   ]
Allison Mankin      [   ]     [   ]       [   ]      [   ]
Thomas Narten       [   ]     [   ]       [   ]      [   ]
Erik Nordmark       [   ]     [   ]       [   ]      [   ]
Jon Peterson        [   ]     [   ]       [   ]      [   ]
Bert Wijnen         [ X ]     [   ]       [   ]      [   ]
Alex Zinin          [   ]     [   ]       [   ]      [   ]

 2/3 (10) Yes or No-Objection votes needed to pass.

 * Indicate reason if 'Discuss'.

To: IETF-Announce
Dcc: *******
Cc: RFC Editor <rfc-editor@isi.edu>
Cc: Internet Architecture Board <iab@iab.org>
Cc: rmonmib@ietf.org
From: The IESG <iesg-secretary@ietf.org>
Subject: Protocol Action: Remote Network Monitoring MIB Protocol Identifier
         Reference to Draft Standard

The IESG has approved RFC2895, 'Remote Network Monitoring MIB
Protocol Identifier Reference' as a to Draft Standard. This
document is the product of the Remote Network Monitoring
Working Group. The IESG contact persons are Bert Wijnen
and Randy Bush

Technical Summary
      This memo defines a notation describing protocol layers in a protocol
      encapsulation, specifically for use in encoding INDEX values for the
      protocolDirTable, found in the RMON-2 MIB (Remote Network Monitoring
      Management Information Base) (RFC2021). The definitions for the
      standard protocol directory base layer identifiers are also included.

      The first version of the RMON Protocol Identifiers Document (RFC2074)
      has been split into a standards-track Reference portion (this
      document), and an Informational document. The RMON Protocol
      Identifier Macros document (RFC2896) now contains the non-normative
      portion of that specification.

      This document obsoletes RFC 2074.
Working Group Summary
      The WG has consensus to advance this document to Draft Standard.
Protocol Quality
      This document has been reviewed for the IESG by Bert Wijnen

      The implemenation report is at