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Re: DNP for draft-song-pppext-sip-support-02.txt

I am in doubt.

The WG did not say that the extension was harmful.
The WG has no ongoing work that addresses the same needs.

So it's a full-blown "alternative way to do things", with no impact on the IETF.

Should we instead write an IESG note saying:

This document has been considered and rejected by the IETF PPPEXT working group. The PPPEXT WG thinks that existing mechanisms are adequate for the task this mechanism is designed for, and that it therefore adds nothing but complexity. The IESG therefore recommends against using this mechanism.

(Pass text by PPPEXT chairs to see if that's what the WG thinks, of course)

--On tirsdag, juni 17, 2003 12:19:09 -0400 Thomas Narten <narten@us.ibm.com> wrote:

This document arrived via an RFC editor request to publish as
informational. I recommend that it not be published.

Proposed note:

The IESG requests that this document not be published as an RFC. The
document proposes extensions to PPP that are not supported by the
WG. Specifically, in response to discussion on the PPPEXT mailing
list, the WG chair reported "I think the consensus is clear: Existing
mechanisms are adequate to the task." Publishing this document would
be considered an end run around the wishes of the PPPEXT WG.
