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RE: Informational RFC to be: draft-turk-bgp-dos-04.txt

Not CC the author:

If this has been taken on by the WG, can Randy and Bill work out with the author that he clearly requests it to be removed from the RFC Editor's queue?

This message was unclear...

PS: Tracker shows that it was moved to Randy and "AD Is Watching" - I can't tell from the tracker whether the WG chair has accepted it or not...


--On onsdag, juni 18, 2003 14:48:43 -0400 "Turk, Doughan A." <doughan.turk@bell.ca> wrote:

Dear Sir or Madam,

I would like to request that you move my internet-draft
"draft-turk-bgp-dos-04.txt" from the general WG to the GROW WG.

I'm attaching the RFC again.

Please note that the draft is currently under revision in the IESG