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Evaluation: draft-ietf-ips-fcip-slp - Finding FCIP Entities Using SLPv2

Last Call to expire on: 2003-07-03

        Please return the full line with your position.

                      Yes  No-Objection  Discuss  Abstain
Harald Alvestrand    [   ]     [   ]     [   ]     [   ]
Steve Bellovin       [   ]     [   ]     [   ]     [   ]
Randy Bush           [   ]     [   ]     [   ]     [   ]
Bill Fenner          [   ]     [   ]     [   ]     [   ]
Ned Freed            [   ]     [   ]     [   ]     [   ]
Ted Hardie           [   ]     [   ]     [   ]     [   ]
Russ Housley         [   ]     [   ]     [   ]     [   ]
Allison Mankin       [ X ]     [   ]     [   ]     [   ]
Thomas Narten        [   ]     [   ]     [   ]     [   ]
Erik Nordmark        [   ]     [   ]     [   ]     [   ]
Jon Peterson         [   ]     [   ]     [   ]     [   ]
Bert Wijnen          [   ]     [   ]     [   ]     [   ]
Alex Zinin           [   ]     [   ]     [   ]     [   ]

2/3 (9) Yes or No-Objection opinions needed to pass.


To: IETF-Announce:; 
Dcc: *******
Cc: RFC Editor <rfc-editor@isi.edu>,
 Internet Architecture Board <iab@iab.org>, ips@ece.cmu.edu
From: The IESG <iesg-secretary@ietf.org>
Subject: Protocol Action: Finding FCIP Entities Using SLPv2 to Proposed 

The IESG has approved the Internet-Drafts

* 'Finding FCIP Entities Using SLPv2'
* 'Finding iSCSI Targets and Name Servers Using SLP'

as Proposed Standards. These documents are products of the IP Storage
Working Group. The IESG contact persons are A. Mankin and J. Peterson

Technical Summary

      draft-ietf-ips-fcip-slp-07.txt describes the use of the Service
      Location Protocol Version 2 (SLPv2) to perform dynamic discovery of
      participating FCIP Entities. Implementation guidelines, service
      type templates, and security considerations are specified. FCIP is
      a pure FC encapsulation protocol that transports FC frames. As
      defined by the IPS WG, it interconnects Fibre Channel switches over
      TCP/IP networks.

      draft-ietf-ips-iscsi-slp-06.txt defines the use of SLPv2 by iSCSI
      hosts, devices, and management services, along with the SLP service
      type templates that describe the services they provide and security
      considerations. The iSCSI protocol provides a way for hosts to
      access SCSI devices over TCP/IP.

Working Group Summary

    The Working Group had consensus to advance both documents to Proposed
    Standard. The SLPv2 and discovery aspects were given review and
    discussion on the mailing list by Erik Guttman and James Kempf, and this
    was an active discussion.

Protocol Quality

    The documents were reviewed for the IESG by Erik Guttman, James Kempf,
    Thomas Narten and Allison Mankin.