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Re: Informational RFCs to be: draft-sun-handle-system-11.txt, draft-sun-handle-system-def-08.txt, and draft-sun-handle-system-protocol-05.txt

To the RFC Editor:

The ISEG has no problem with the publication of the set of three
.Handle System Overview. <draft-sun-handle-system-11.txt> as an
Informational RFC,
.Handle System Namespace and Service Definition
<draft-sun-handle-system-def-08.txt> as an Informational RFC, and
.Handle system Protocol (ver. 2.1) Specification.
<draft-sun-handle-system-protocol-05.txt>as an Informational RFC.

We request that you insert the following note into *each* of the three
documents on publication:

Proposed IESG note:

Several groups within the IETF and IRTF have the discussed the
Handle system and its relationship to existing systems of
identifiers. The IESG wishes to point out that these discussions
have not resulted in IETF consensus on the described Handle system
nor on how it might fit into the IETF architecture for identifiers. Though
there has been discussion of handles as a form of URI, specifically
as a URN, these documents describe an alternate view of how namespaces
and identifiers might work on the Internet and include characterizations
of existing systems which may not match the IETF consensus view.

Thank you,

The IESG Secretary