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Re: Radical Suggestion for Plenaries

On torsdag, jul 17, 2003, at 14:06 Europe/Stockholm, Wijnen, Bert (Bert) wrote:

One you get to these types of suggestions, should we not copy IESG?
Sorry, I should have added IESG. I thought for a second they were added (by magic).

IESG: The discussion we (IAB) have had this morning is how we make sure the "plenaries" end up being more interesting -- or maybe only "how do we make sure we don't loose control".



-----Original Message-----
From: Patrik Fältström [mailto:paf@cisco.com]
Sent: donderdag 17 juli 2003 13:46
To: James Kempf
Cc: iab@iab.org
Subject: Re: Radical Suggestion for Plenaries

...and even more radical:

- Move wg meeting from Fri morning to Thu evening
- Have "external reports/awards" etc Wed evening
- Have open IESG and IAB *meetings* on Friday

Yes, I am really talking about having a replacement for a (partial)
teleconf on Fri morning. 1/2 IAB, 1/2 IESG. Including time for
microphones. 9-11 and 11-13.


On torsdag, jul 17, 2003, at 13:24 Europe/Stockholm, James
Kempf wrote:

So here's a radical suggestion for the Plenaries, designed to make
them more
relevent to IETF participants.

Suppose we were to move the plenaries to Fri. morning
instead of Wed.
Thurs. night, and schedule WG sessions on Wed. and Thurs. night, to
losing time for WG technical work. Now, with no other
change, lots of
would probably leave Thurs. evening or Fri. morning and skip the

But suppose further we were to restrict the "housekeeping"
reports to
a half hour at the beginning, and schedule the rest with technical
discussion of cross working group architectural and design
issues (like
Aaron's discussion last night) that currently have no venue in the
outside perhaps of the directorates. This might involve asking WG
chairs of
the affected working groups to sit down and make presentations,
perhaps even
ask them to generate drafts on the issues prior to the meeting, or
the presentations are done in real time on issues that
arose directly
in the
meeting. It could also involve IAB drafts of a technical nature.

