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[Fwd: [Fwd: ANSI Request for Meeting]]


I've copied the IESG-secretary on this, as I believe you've already been
contacted on the matter. Consider this an acknowledgement that it
is being taken care of!

IESG -- the IAB seems supportive of the proposed reply below; this
seems to be political machinations, not useful technical coordination.
If you have awareness that this will in fact be detrimental to
actual technical work, please let me know asap.


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [Fwd: ANSI Request for Meeting]
Date: Wed, 30 Jul 2003 10:48:16 -0400
From: Leslie Daigle <leslie@thinkingcat.com>
To: iab@ietf.org

My proposed reply:

"Dear Ms. Caldas,

Thank you for your note.
The IETF is an international standards development organization,
and as such, I'm afraid I do not see how it fits into the category
of organizations to which you are looking to reach out.

We remain dedicated to establishing liaison relationships
and working closely with other SDOs for work of mutual
interest and responsibility.
If you could identify where you perceive those linkages,
we would be happy to consider a liaison relationship, but
we decline to accept the invitation as presented.

Best regards,

Leslie Daigle
for the IAB. "

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: ANSI Request for Meeting
Date: Wed, 30 Jul 2003 07:30:26 -0400
From: Anne Caldas <Acaldas@ansi.org>
To: 'leslie@thinkingcat.com' <leslie@thinkingcat.com>
CC: Anne Caldas <Acaldas@ansi.org>

Dear Ms. Daigle:

A colleague of mine, Matt Deane, provided your name to me as a possible
contact in connection with ANSI's request for a meeting with a
representative of IETF. Please see my earlier request below to the

ANSI is requesting a meeting as part of the work of a Board level Ad Hoc
group that has been established to consider ANSI's role in connection with
consortia and the types of relationships or services that ANSI could offer
to, or establish with, consortia. This activity is consistent with one of
the goals of the National Standards Strategy for the United States (see
ures/national_strategy.pdf> ), which is to encourage a more defined interaction between the "formal"
standards community and consortia in ways that would add value to all
implicated organizations and the stakeholders they seek to serve.

Would you be so kind as to consider this request and advise me as to the
most appropriate contact at IETF?

I appreciate your time and consideration.


Anne Caldas
Director, Procedures and Standards Administration
acaldas@ansi.org <mailto:acaldas@ansi.org> 212-642-4914
Fax: 212-840-2298
ANSI Online: http://www.ansi.org/ <http://www.ansi.org/>
-----Original Message-----
From: Anne Caldas Sent: Thursday, July 24, 2003 1:04 PM
To: 'iesg-secretary@ietf.org'
Cc: Anne Caldas
Subject: ANSI Request for Meeting

Dear IETF Secretariat:

ANSI has established a Board level Ad Hoc to consider ANSI's role in
connection with consortia and the types of relationships or services that
ANSI could offer to, or establish with, consortia. The members of this
group would like to speak with one or more representatives of your
organization via teleconference about this topic.
Would you please advise me whether or not your organization would be willing
to participate in this type of discussion? And if so, would you advise me
of the name and contact of your designated representative and his/her
availability on any of the following dates: 9/8, 9/9, 9/11, 9/18, 9/19,
9/22, 9/23, 9/25 or 9/26.

I would be happy to call you to discuss this request or to contact one or
more individuals directly if it would be convenient.

Thank you for your consideration.


Anne Caldas
Director, Procedures and Standards Administration
American National Standards Institute - ANSI
acaldas@ansi.org <mailto:acaldas@ansi.org> 212-642-4914
Fax: 212-840-2298
ANSI Online: http://www.ansi.org/ <http://www.ansi.org/>


Yours to discover."
-- ThinkingCat
Leslie Daigle


Yours to discover."
-- ThinkingCat
Leslie Daigle