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Re: Evaluation: draft-ietf-pkix-wlan-extns-04.txt

Ted Hardie           [   ]     [   ]     [ x  ]     [   ]

Since there is no guarantee of uniqueness for  SSIDs,
it seems like there may be a separate step needed
when you have the "every SSID is called CORP" problem.
This text, in particular:

   The Wireless LAN (WLAN) System Service identifiers (SSIDs) public key
   certificate extension is always non-critical.  It contains a list of
   SSIDs.  When more than one certificate includes an extended key usage
   extension indicating that the certified public key is appropriate for
   use with the EAP in the LAN environment, the list of SSIDs MAY be
   used to select the correct certificate for authentication in a
   particular WLAN.

may need to contain text on what to do if more than one certificate
contains the same octet string as an SSID.  Given that the whole
thing is a "MAY" the answer may well be "try them in turn" or
something very basic, but a note of the problem and what to do
would be useful.