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Comments on draft-ietf-xmldsig-xpf2-00.txt

While I understand that this is re-publicaton of a W3C draft, I believe
that an explicit reference to the W3C errata for the XPATH specification
is warranted, as I do not believe that those used to the IETF citation
style will know to look for it. In this particular case, there are clarifications
that result in pointers to conditions known to impact interoperability.

See for example Section 5:

Section 5

The treatment of namespace names that are relative URIs is implementation-dependent, in accordance with the W3C XML Plenary decision .

The namespace URI specified in the XML document can be a URI reference as defined in [RFC2396] ; this means it can have a fragment identifier and can be relative. A relative URI should be resolved into an absolute URI during namespace processing: the namespace URIs of expanded-name s of nodes in the data model should be absolute.

Anamespace name specified in a namespace declaration in an XML document is a URI reference as defined in [RFC2396] ; this implies it can have a fragment identifier and can be relative. The namespace URI component of an expanded-name is implementation-dependent if the expanded-name is expanded from a QName whose prefix is declared by a namespace declaration with a namespace name that is a relative URI (with or without a fragment identifier). An XPath expression that depends on the value of the namespace URI component of such expanded-name s is not interoperable.

Similarly in section 5.4 , replace:
The string-value of a namespace node is the namespace URI that is being bound to the namespace prefix; if it is relative, it must be resolved just like a namespace URI in an expanded-name .

The string-value of a namespace node is the namespace URI that is being bound to the namespace prefix; if the namespace name occurring in the namespace declaration in the XML document is a relative URI (with or without a fragment identifier), then the string-value is implementation-dependent. An XPath expression that depends on the string-value of such namespace nodes is not interoperable.