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Re: IAB comments on draft-baker-liaisons-00.txt

At 06:37 PM 8/15/2003 -0400, Leslie Daigle wrote:
3. Liaison Statements from other SDOs, Consortia, and Fora to IETF
   The process of handling a liaison statement is a little heavier than
   the handling of a business letter, however, because the organizations
   and issues are heavier. To manage liaison statements, the IETF will
   offer three web-accessible facilities: a form for submission of
   liaison statements, a web page organizing their contents and making
   them accessible, and a tracking system.
The process mechanics are even greater than I-D's, which are our core tool for handling our internal work.
If you would like, I can send you Steve's initial draft, which in essence said "Hi, we're the ITU, we know how this is done and you just aren't up to snuff. So we're going to define the concept of a business letter, and require you to reply to it. And by the way, you will need a secretariat the size of the ITU's to manage the process."

You might remember me saying that on the IAB list about 8 months ago when this first came our way. I have dramatically *reduced* the process overhead.