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Re: Volunteers sought for draft-mills-sntp-v4

After having Thomas, Russ and Randy sign up for arm-twisting, it seems that Thomas gets to be labelled "least reluctant".

I added a "public note" to the tracker saying that the IESG wants to revisit the discussion with the authors about whether this is standards-track material.

Thomas - your task....


--On 24. september 2003 16:39 -0400 Thomas Narten <narten@us.ibm.com> wrote:

I will do it if I am permitted to push for a merger of the STIME
documents  into the base document.

Mumble. I might be arm twisted into taking the document.

But I think we should also try and push for getting it on standards
track, since these protocols are de facto standards. The earlier
documents are info, and at least one of the reasons was "we need
pictures, and ascii ain't good enough". But I notice that only a text
version of this document was submitted.

So maybe we have an opportunity to finally fix this situation.
