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Re: Last Call: 'What's In A Name:Thoughts from the NSRG' to Informational RFC

In message <200310072235.h97MZPrP062967@jaguar.icir.org>, Vern Paxson writes:
>> It has already uncovered a dissenting view from Keith Moore.
>Well, it hasn't "uncovered" this - Keith was a vocal participant of NSRG
>and critic of the document, supplying nearly 1,000 lines of comments and
>wanting to write his own dissenting version, etc.  I would rather not
>reopen that particular can of worms.
>The document was first sent to the RFC editor over a year ago.  All it's
>ever aspired to be was a snapshot of *some* of the perspectives the RG
>explored.  It doesn't do a great job at that, but it's never going to;
>Eliot came on board late as a way to get it out the door, and there are
>no more worker bees in the hive to do any significant additional work.
>I really want to close down NSRG, but am reluctant to do so with nothing
>at all to show for the effort; I'll take an imperfect document over that.
>You can ask Steve for his two cents - he was one of the original RG chairs.

What Vern said.

		--Steve Bellovin, http://www.research.att.com/~smb