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Comments regarding draft-freed-mime-p4-04.txt

I have been asked to comment on draft-freed-mime-p4-04 as the person in the W3C's XML Protocols Working Group (XMLP) primarily responsible for shepherding the registration of the "application/soap+xml" media type.

First of all, let me say that I believe that the general approach taken in draft-freed-mime-p4-04 will greatly assist other, non-IETF standards organisations in the registration of their media types.

However, I do have some concerns with the present draft's lack of clarity regarding the timing of such registrations.

In particular, at what point should a standards organisation contact the IESG regarding registration? Section 3.1.1 states that "Registrations in the standards tree MUST be approved by the IESG and MUST correspond to a formal publication by a recognized standards body." Does "formal" imply "final" here, or should earlier drafts be submitted for feedback? Also, some indication of how one determines what are "recognized standards bod[ies]" would be helpful to those unfamiliar with the IETF.

Additionally, some indication of the expected processing time (or, ideally, service guarantees) would help other standards organisations in planning (especially if the media type registration is required before a document can be considered final; this might lead to an unfortunate catch-22 situation).

The resolution of the issues above, as applied to draft-freed-mime-p4-04, would have greatly helped XMLP in its registration of "application/soap+xml" (and I hope that it will assist us in our future registration(s)).

While reviewing the draft, I also noticed that in Section 3.5, "index.html" is not necessary, and implies (to many people) a specific format and (to many Web servers) a particular implementation. Considering the likely longevity of this as an RFC, I'd suggest "http://www.iana.org/assignments/media-types/";.

Thank you for the opportunity to comment,

Mark Nottingham   Principal Technologist
Office of the CTO   BEA Systems