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discuss on draft-ietf-geopriv-dhcp-lci-option

Nit:  the title is wrong.  This isn't a DHCP option "for" geopriv; 
rather, it's a geopriv-compatible DHCP option.

Not as much of a nit:  a pass by a copy editor is needed; the writing 
is bad enough, in places, to obscure the meaning.

major objection:  I wonder if the philosophy of this option is, in 
fact, geopriv-compatible.  The location information is indeed 
obfuscatable, but the amount of the obfuscation is controlled by the 
DHCP server, not the end system.  I would think that the DHCP client 
should supply the maximum precision in the DHCP request, rather than 
relying on the server.

		--Steve Bellovin, http://www.research.att.com/~smb