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Re: [Gen] Re: Thinking about adding a new person to the IESG

--On Sunday, 02 November, 2003 18:16 +1100 Geoff Huston <gih@telstra.net> wrote:

The Nomcom tend to chose individually brilliant individuals.
This does not
necessarily mean that the Nomcom deliberately assemble a team,
look at each position and try and put in the best expert they
can noose.

What qualifications would you propose to the Nomcom to use in
their selection? As it stands it is not clear that the Nomcom
would have
a clear idea of what to do here (imho), and the results may be
more of
a surprise than a real step in the intended direction.

Frankly I'd suggest that if its an assistant chair (or
vice-chair, etc) that is
needed, then call  it such, and proceed to work through how
such a
position can be established and filled, including how to
phrase the
position's required qualifications to the Nomcom.

As I've tried to say before, I mostly agree. But, if an assistant/vice-chair is wanted, I'd rather think about having the Chair make the appointment subject to advice and consent from the nomcom, or have the nomcom suggest names from which the Chair can pick (or say "no, try again"). Use of the traditional mechanism is just too frightening: if the sub-chair and chair can't work together, it would easily turn into a mess of the first order (and a waste of _everyone's_ time).
