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RE: Issue: Attribute concatenation/splitting

Pasi wrote... 

> Yes, this would work for NAS-Filter-Rule -- but so would any 
> of the other proposals so far (e.g. rules end with LF; rule 
> ends if attribute length <253; attributes begin with a tag 
> octet; etc.) I don't think any of these proposals is a really 
> good one, but at least the same approach could be reused for 
> NAS-Traffic-Rule (and maybe other attributes in the future as well).

The consensus reached for NAS-Traffic-Rule, when this exact issue arose, was
to use a LF as a rule delimiter.  As you point out it's not ideal, but is
probably the most straightforward option.

Why not just bite the bullet and add the same LF delimiter to
NAS-Filter-Rule?  At least we'd be able to claim then that NAS-Traffic-Rule
and NAS-Filter-Rule use common rule delimiters, thereby easing a RADIUS
implementers effort to support both attributes.


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