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VoIP peering: contradiction in terms

[This post is not in specific reply to any previous comments on the list - it's been sitting on my screen for a day or two, and I'm finally hitting the "send" key]

So, at the moment, I am wondering what exactly "VoIP Peering" means. I have the following vague ideas that I hear various firms and pundits throwing out in various industry rags and blogs:

 - "It's a layer 2 thing, where a bunch of VoIP providers all connect
     to the same ethernet switch and set up BGP sessions."

 - "It's all about using ENUM.  Don't ask question on how, exactly,
     we use ENUM.  ENUM is a routing protocol, right? You can peer
     with ENUM, right?"

 - "It's about SS7 over IP.  Please, step into this room where the
     technician will fit your skull with this bell-shaped helmet..."

- "It's about QoS."

From the very clueful, I get these comments:

 - "It's about models like OSP that allow settlement between providers
     in some standardized way."

- "VoIP Peering is the sound of one hand clapping."

Well, here's my definition of VoIP peering - it's open for revision:

"The ability for two administrative entities to directly or indirectly interconnect with each other via TCP/IP, and then for those entities to exchange in an automated and dynamic manner the e.164 address ranges that each believes the other should know, including metrics such as monetary cost, gateway information, protocols, and other relevant details which relate to the passing of voice, video, or other media over the underlaying IP network."

You'll note that this definition misses some important points are not covered (which are 100% in the spirit of this group, but perhaps outside of the definition of "peering"):

What is not covered in that statement:
- the settlement of costs that may be incurred in the use of any of these routes
- the actual transport protocol of those media streams, or the details of those media streams
- the IP network or criteria for the IP network that moves bits between any two points
- the "signalling" protocol that is used for transporting those e.164 prefixes
- the ability to filter/modify e.164 ranges or associated criteria on an "in" or "out" basis from a particular entity's perspective

So, in essence, I say that VoIP Peering doesn't exist right now. It's hot air and sales.

"Wow, that's a bold statement." you might say. I am willing to be proven wrong, because it would allow me to leave my office before dark a few more days a week. I spend hours (and hours, and hours) each week taking dozen of spreadsheets from various telephony carriers, and digesting them through a huge set of scripts and manual convolutions that turns their rates into something I can work with in a single sheet of a spreadsheet. Then, when I'm done with that step, I digest them further and weed out the carriers whose routes are so bad that I don't want to use them no matter what the price. Then, I figure out what the effective dates of these routes are. Then, I figure out what hosts I should point each route to, and what protocol I should use. Then, finally, I insert these various data into my routing engine so that my customers can get their calls handled in the appropriate way. Now that I've completed this work, I turn right around and generate a spreadsheet that I give to _my_ customers, almost certainly throwing them into the same nightmare that I just came out of. (Note: I actually have a web interface in both directions - in and out - but good luck getting someone at a telco to use it.) Now, I do this every time we have a price update. Well, the solution is (of course!) to not update prices very often. That's always a good strategy to keep up with my competition and keep pressure on my vendors, right? Right?

If someone can point me to the magic routing protocol that solves all these problems, I'm willing to say that I've been wasting my time for the past few years. But I don't think that magic bullet exists... yet. (TRIP, anyone?)

Those who say that it's a Layer 2 issue, or a Layer 3 issue - they're probably well-meaning, but ultimately have not thought the issue through nor have they actually tried to configure routing for telephony with their own two hands. Yes, there is a Layer 2 and Layer 3 component, but that's not the "Vo" part - that's the "IP" part. I _know_ how the IP part works - there's no secret there. Private interconnections, BGP, QoS, MPLS blah blah blah - Yes, I know how to get packets from place to place with five nines, or whatever zany metric you want to come up with. What I'm missing is the telephony part. What traffic to what end telephony stations am I sending over this low-latency, high-bandwidth, super-reliable link? If that can't be answered, then we're not really doing VoIP Peering, are we? We're just doing typical IP route peering, so don't call it VoIP Peering.

ENUM is not the answer for non-specific routing, in my opinion. If you can tell me how you do fast, cost-based ENUM lookups that allow for my two dozen carriers or my two hundred carriers who all offer me the same e.164 prefix (i.e.: +1-650-xxx-xxxx), I'm willing to withdraw my comments. Otherwise, let's talk about why DNS is not a routing protocol. ENUM is great for exact answers - it is insufficient for PSTN prefix-based routing. I am a big proponent of ENUM, but unless I hear some very different things on implementation schemes for ENUM, I do not think that private ENUM roots are the right or scaleable approach for route exchange. I am open to "private" ENUM interconnections, but I'm fairly sure I want a single ENUM root to deal with in the long run (the slapdash overlap of various providers who have chosen "unoccupied" e.164 space in which to number their customers is an example of why multiple roots may be problematic.)

In response to Paul Vixie's comment about an alternate e.164 registry, there are guys in Australia who are already starting something close (but not exactly) - see http://www.e164.org/ - well meaning, but ultimately will collapse under the weight of it's own success.

Of course, as should be fairly obvious, ENUM is just a kludge until we've got phones that dial with email-style (user@domain.tld) addressing. I'm not sure that kludge will go away in any of our lifetimes, given the number of 12-digit keypads currently on the planet.

Next post: What is RFC3219 (TRIP) and why isn't everyone running it? What is OSP and why isn't everyone running it? (I have the answer to the first question, but not the second - anyone else here know?)


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