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RE: [owner-aaa-doctors@ops.ietf.org: BOUNCE aaa-doctors@ops.ietf.org: Non-member submission from [Ralph Droms <rdroms@cisco.com>]]
> Actually, I think the issues raised by the aaa-doctors are all issues
> have been raised earlier in the discussion of the document (except for
> couple of typos). So, our response simply summarizes earlier WG
> discussion
> and, at this point, there's no reason to send the draft back to the WG
> additional discussion...
> - Ralph
> >It is fine if people want to review Ralph's and John's responses, but
> >would prefer that we do not have an extended discussion of these
> on
> >this closed list. Somehow, we need to get this discussion onto the
> >WG mailing list where it belongs.
> >
> >Margaret
Maybe we need to wait for Bert to get back from vacation to clarify his
intent for the AAA Doctors process. I thought that the function of the
AAA Doctors was as an advisory panel to the O&M Area Directorate. The
ADs may utilize the comments from the AAA Doctors in forming their own
comments on documents during the IESG review period. I don't think it
was intended that the AAA Doctor comments would be fed directly back
into the WG for review, but indirectly via the AD comments. Of course
the AAA Doctors might be requested to review documents while in WG last
call (or earlier), and that would be different. It may also be
desirable, in terms of the timeliness of comments.
-- Dave