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Re: Last Call on RSVP Label Allocation for Backup Tunnels

> As far as I understand this draft outlines a mechanism for fast reroute 
> in MPLS networks. With this in mind, shouldn't we delay the last call on 
> this draft until ther **other** fast reroute related drafts in CCAMP run 
> to completion?
> Regards
> Bora

Bora -

I don't get your point.  Would you suggest that Sonet not specify BLSR
or closer to home IPoPTR not work on rerouting schemes?  This is a
technology specific mechanism which has immediate application.  How or
even if it fits into a larger picture is irrelavant.


George Swallow       Cisco Systems                   (978) 244-8143
                     250 Apollo Drive
                     Chelmsford, Ma 01824