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GMPLS Doubts...

Hi All,

I have gone through the draft-ietf-mpls-generalized-signaling-03.txt and 
draft-ietf-mpls-generalized-cr-ldp-02.txt drafts. I have certain doubts 
regarding these drafts.

1.  It is mentioned in the draft that label set may be either restricted to 
a single hop or the whole LSP path. Can u please clarify
that this decision should be based on what criteria or it is just a local 
node decision.

2. It is mentioned that LSP characteristics may be used by transit
nodes e.g. to support PHP (section 3.1). Can u please explain how ?
Is this case only possible in PSC ?

3. In section 3.1.1, it is written that lambda encoding type refers
to switching of wavelengths. Does it also include the waveband ? Why
there is not a separate LSP encoding type as waveband ? How does a
transit node can identify that a waveband label is requested instead of a 
lambda label ?

4. In section 3.3.1, it is mentioned that waveband Id is selected by
the sender and reused in all subsequent related messages. Can u please
clarify that what are all those subsequent messages ?

5. In section 3.5, four different cases are explained where the
label set concept may be useful. Can u please calrify the 4th case
further ?

6. Is waveband Id locally signifcant i.e. between the two adjacent
nodes or is it globally unique for whole LSP path ?

7. Can the generalized label TLV be present in Label Release/Withdraw 
messages ?

8. Is there any new draft coming on O-UNI from IETF ?

11. Is anybody defining the clear interworking between O-UNI and GMPLS ?

12. In section 5, it is mentioned that acceptable label set may be present 
in notification message to indicate what all labels are acceptable ?
Can u please clarify what actions a node have to take once it receives the 
notification message with acceptable label set ?

Please help me in understanding these drafts.


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