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Re: [T1X1.5] RE: [IP-Optical] concatenation extensions in sonet/sdh

Either way, box upgrades are needed.

So, again looking at the differences:

Virtual concat            arbitrary concat
* Any combo of timeslot   * Any combo of timeslot
* Each timslot can go on  * All timeslot must go on  
  any # of fiber paths      the same fiber path
* Only endpoints need     * All boxes need to be
  to be upgraded            upgraded
* For interworking with   * Since all boxes need to
  contiguous concat, only   be upgraded, this is
  interworking point need   already handled
  to be upgraded
* Is already defined in   * To support, there must be
  standards                 detailed description of the
                            process so that transport-level
                            interworking is possible, not
                            just signal interworking
* Already has LCAS        * LCAS type capability not yet
  defined to allow any      defined, but is also possible
  increase or decrease
  to timeslot to allow
  growing and shrinking
  bandwidth use without
  disrupting traffic

Did I miss anything??  I like Rob's suggestion on how to handle the
standard versus "non-standard" features.


Dimitri Papadimitriou wrote:
> Hi,
> Then you will use the S4 function VC-4-Xc to VC-4-Xv defined in
> G.783 (more precisely S4-Xc<->S4-Xv_I VC-4-Xc to VC-4-Xv concatenation
> interworking function - see section 12.5.2) at one edge and the inverse
> function at the other. However, the mechanisms are different in this
> case you access the POH while in the mechanism described by Greg you
> only use a function that converts VC-4-Xc to VC-4-Xa (FACC) you don't
> access the POH.
> Hope this help to understand the key difference.
> - Dimitri.
> "Lazer, Monica A, NNAD" wrote:
> >
> > It is not at all clear to me that those 2 are the only choices. You can do
> > virtual concatenation at the end-points of the valuable link if you want to
> > avoid having end systems do that. This would be the standards-compliant
> > variance of 2. Am I missing something?
> >
> > Monica A. Lazer
> > Advanced Transport Technology and Architecture Planning
> >
> > 908 234 8462
> > mlazer@att.com
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Bernstein, Greg [mailto:GregB@ciena.com]
> > Sent: Thursday, May 17, 2001 12:27 PM
> > To: 'Zhi-Wei Lin'
> > Cc: 'Maarten Vissers'; Anup Tirumala; ccamp@ops.ietf.org;
> > chickoo66@yahoo.com; ip-optical@lists.bell-labs.com; t1x1.5; q11/15
> > Subject: [T1X1.5] RE: [IP-Optical] concatenation extensions in sonet/sdh
> >
> > To avoid re-grooming either virtual concatenation or arbitrary concatenation
> > can help, but the implications are quite different.
> > Say we have a particularly valuable (expensive) link that we can't or don't
> > want to re-groom then we have two options:
> > (1)     Require that ALL end systems that could potentially use this link
> > convert over to virtual concatenation from standard concatenation.
> > (2)     Or, install boxes at both ends of the link that support the
> > arbitrary concatenation that we've been discussing.
> >
> > Which of these seems more realistic and practical?
> > Greg B.
> >         Dr. Greg M. Bernstein, Senior Scientist, Ciena
> >         New phone: (510) 573-2237
> >
> >                 -----Original Message-----
> >                 From:   Zhi-Wei Lin [mailto:zwlin@lucent.com]
> >                 Sent:   Thursday, May 17, 2001 8:41 AM
> >                 To:     Bernstein, Greg
> >                 Cc:     'Maarten Vissers'; Anup Tirumala;
> > ccamp@ops.ietf.org; chickoo66@yahoo.com; ip-optical@lists.bell-labs.com;
> > t1x1.5; q11/15
> >                 Subject:        Re: [IP-Optical] concatenation extensions in
> > sonet/sdh
> >
> >                 Hi,
> >
> >                 some observations:
> >
> >                 in terms of re-grooming and such, I believe both virtual
> > concatenation
> >                 and arbitrary concatenation can perform this. One method is
> >                 standardized, the other is proprietary.
> >
> >                 In terms of routing of the individual connections that make
> > up the
> >                 concatenated signal, virtual concatenation is more flexible
> > than
> >                 arbitrary concatenation, since you can put each component VC
> > in
> >                 different lines, and each component can be routed
> > differently.
> >
> >                 In terms of interworking, yes the SIGNALLING can defnititely
> > be made to
> >                 interwork. However, the larger issue for interworking is
> > support by the
> >                 transport equipment themselves. Thus interworking involves
> > TWO parts:
> >                 signaling interworking and transport interworking. Having
> > one without
> >                 the other doesn't really help...
> >
> >                 Thus, in terms of solving real problems, either virtual or
> > arbitrary can
> >                 accomplish that, but IMO, virtual seems more flexible...and
> >                 standardized...
> >
> >                 In terms of standards as fostering interoperability and
> > stifling of
> >                 innovation, in principle yes I agree. And therefore if
> > arbitrary
> >                 concatenation should be standardized, it should be
> > standardized in the
> >                 correct standards body. As Maarten mentioned, the relevant
> > standards
> >                 bodies discussed arbitrary concatenation years ago, and
> > decided
> >                 (hopefully based on their expert technical opinion - I
> > wasn't involved)
> >                 not to include arbitrary but instead to include virtual.
> > IMO, there must
> >                 be good reasons, and from what I can tell, I see virtual as
> > been more
> >                 flexible so that is a pretty good reason...we at IETF, being
> > protocol
> >                 experts (and budding transport experts?) should not try to
> > second-guess
> >                 the decisions without fully understanding the
> > ramifications...
> >
> >                 As for stifling innovation, anytime you standardize anything
> > there is
> >                 always some factor of development that gets fixed (is this
> > something
> >                 that should not be said in a public forum??? -- sorry!!).
> > Therefore
> >                 there is always a tradeoff between innovation and
> > standardization. I
> >                 think the job of standards bodies is to try to balance these
> > two factors
> >                 such that the industry in general can live with the result
> > without
> >                 unduly burdening...
> >
> >                 agree?
> >
> >                 Zhi
> >
> >                 "Bernstein, Greg" wrote:
> >                 >
> >                 > A couple more points.
> >                 > (1)     GMPLS works well with arbitrary concatenations
> > need to specify the
> >                 > time slots since it provides a signaling protocol that can
> > do just that,
> >                 > i.e., GMPLS actually enables this feature to interoperate.
> >                 > (2)     Arbitrary concatenation offers a solution to a
> > real problem, i.e.,
> >                 > eliminates the need for re-grooming on lines that support
> > it.  For those who
> >                 > have invested non-trivial amounts of money in transoceanic
> > links this can be
> >                 > a significant savings.
> >                 > (3)     The goal is interoperability and to solve real
> > problems.  We've got
> >                 > a real problem and with a minor edit to the GMPLS SONET
> > specification we can
> >                 > have an interoperable method for solving it.
> >                 >
> >                 > To be precise in the definition of arbitrary
> > concatenation:
> >                 > As a concatenated signal within a single SONET Line (SDH
> > MS), with
> >                 > potentially arbitrary timeslots used for its components.
> >                 >
> >                 > The current main application is: avoiding the need for
> > service impacting
> >                 > re-grooming. Note that this applies to standard sized
> > signals and is a per
> >                 > link property.
> >                 >
> >                 > Other applications do exist and are somewhat competitive
> > with non-LCAS
> >                 > virtual concatenation since the implementation of
> > arbitrary concatenation
> >                 > for odd sized signals is simpler than that of virtual
> > concatenation.  Once
> >                 > "odd" sized signals are used an entire path through the
> > network must exist
> >                 > that supports them.
> >                 >
> >                 > Folks I thought the role of standards organizations was to
> > foster
> >                 > interoperability that enables the industry to move forward
> > rather than as a
> >                 > means to stifle innovation. I think it is better for the
> > marketplace to
> >                 > decide which features are desirable.
> >                 >
> >                 > Greg B.
> >                 >
> >                 >         Dr. Greg M. Bernstein, Senior Scientist, Ciena
> >                 >         New phone: (510) 573-2237
> >                 >
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > IP-Optical mailing list
> > IP-Optical@lists.bell-labs.com
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