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RE: [T1X1.5] RE: [IP-Optical] Re: Proposed text for the concatena tion

Hello Monica,

>Arbitrary contiguous concatenation needs definition work for

Which one ? I am asking the same questions since two weeks and nobody
answered (or did I miss it ?). What needs to be standardized ? Strange that
nobody wants to answer ! Repeating constantly the same thing is cool, but
somebody should proof it, otherwise we could definitively conclude that this
feature works without any additional standard !

>Flexible arbitrary contiguous concatenation may be available today to
>support contiguous signals, but it is not defined in the current standards.
>Clear agreements on OH usage are needed between supporting vendors.
>Maintenance and tracking of the signal needs to be well understood.

Could you be more precise, what do we have to change in the SDH/SONET
framing to be able to interoperate ? I still had no clear answer. To help
you: G.783 defines a converter between a contiguous concatenated signal and
a virtually concatenated signal. If we apply it locally back-to-back, i.e.
in from contiguous to virtual in one node and then virtual to contiguous in
the next node, isn't it what we call flexible concatenation ? And in that
case this is already standardized (too rich for what we need, but it doesn't
hurt). Opinion ?

I would really like to have a technical discussion :-)



-----Original Message-----
From: Rob Coltun [mailto:rcoltun@redback.com]
Sent: Thursday, May 24, 2001 7:24 PM
To: ccamp@ops.ietf.org; ip-optical@lists.bell-labs.com; q11/15; t1x1.5
Subject: Re: [T1X1.5] RE: [IP-Optical] Re: Proposed text for the

    despite the heated arguments I think the discussion is important to

I suggest that instead of  tagging non/pre-standard items in the current
that they be put into a separate Informational document  - this is the
cleanest thing to do.
We (the IETF) do have a tradition of publishing company proprietary
but not as standard track documents.


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