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RE: Some clarifications in the LMP mib..


I have submitted a new version of the LMP MIB May 22. However, it still has
not shown up on IETF Web site. I have attached it with this message. The
filename might change as a result of classifying the ID.

The new version of the MIB addresses your first two comments. As far as
lmpDataLinkRemoteIfId is conerned, it is now read-write, but should be
read-create. This will be fixed in next release.

As far as manual configuration procedure of TE link is concerned, once the
TE link and data-bearing links are configured manually, their information is
sent in LinkSummary messages as part of the property correlation procedure.
The TE link and data-bearing link information configured manually in both
local and remote nodes can be correlated. If there is a mismatch, a property
mismatch trap can be generated. As you have mentioned, a node that does not
implement the link verification procedure does not need to track states
related to link verification.



-----Original Message-----
From: Arumugam R [mailto:arumugamr@future.futsoft.com]
Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2001 2:41 AM
To: matin.dubuc@edgeflow.com; Thomas D. Nadeau; evan@calient.net;
sudheer@nayna.com; iplang@calient.net; mpls@uu.net
Subject: Some clarifications in the LMP mib..


While going through the LMP mib, some typo errors are found and i need 
some more clarification.

1. The lmpTeLinkAdminStatus in the lmpTeLinkTable is marked read-only, 
instead of read-create.

2. In the lmpTeLinkCCMappingTable, the lmpTeLinkCcMappingEntry is bound 
to have 4 entries as given in the example.

It should look like the following.

LmpTeLinkCcMappingEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
   lmpTeLinkId                                      TeLinkId,
   lmpCcId                                            LmpCcId,
   lmpTeLinkCcMappingRowStatus       RowStatus,
   lmpTeLinkCcMappingStorageType    StorageType
and appropriately the values and description needs to be changed.

3. In the lmpDateBearingLinkTable, the lmpDataLinkRemoteIfId is given as 
a read-only object.
The typo is in the example given, it is configured which gives a feeling 
that it is read-create. It needs to be removed from the example.

Can you through some explanation regarding the manual configuration 
procedure, since it can reduce some states and events in the TE Link 
FSM, as well as avoiding the test procedure & Data Link FSM, since it is 
not clearly explained in the LMP Draft. 

4. The lmpDataBearingLinkCcPreemptibility is mentioned as read-only 
instead of read-create. Also the description for the same is wrong & i 
feel it is a cut and paste from the description of lmpDataBearingType.

Suggestions are welcome

Thanks and regards
Arumugam R.

Network Working Group                                       Martin Dubuc
Internet Draft                                            edgeflow, Inc.
Expires: November 2001
                                                     Sudheer Dharanikota
                                                    Nayna Networks, Inc.

                                                        Thomas D. Nadeau
                                                     Cisco Systems, Inc.

                                                        Jonathan P. Lang
                                                           Evan McGinnis
                                                  Calient Networks, Inc.

    Link Management Protocol Management Information Base Using SMIv2


Status of this Memo

   This document is an Internet-Draft and is in full conformance with
   all provisions of Section 10 of RFC 2026.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF), its areas, and its working groups. Note that other
   groups may also distribute working documents as Internet- Drafts.

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time. It is inappropriate to use Internet- Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   The list of current Internet-Drafts can be accessed at

   The list of Internet-Draft Shadow Directories can be accessed at

Table of Contents

1.   Abstract .....................................................    2
2.   Introduction .................................................    2
3.   Terminology ..................................................    3
4.   The SNMP Management Framework ................................    3
4.1. Object Definitions ...........................................    4
5.   Feature Checklist ............................................    4

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6.   Outline ......................................................    5
6.1. Summary of LMP MIB ...........................................    6
7.   Brief Description of MIB Objects .............................    6
7.1. lmpNbrTable ..................................................    6
7.2. lmpControlChannelTable .......................................    6
7.3. lmpControlChannelPerfTable ...................................    7
7.4. lmpTeLinkTable ...............................................    7
7.5. lmpLinkVerificationTable .....................................    7
7.6. lmpDataBearingLinkTable ......................................    7
7.7. lmpDataBearingLinkPerfTable ..................................    7
8.   Example of LMP Control Channel Interface Setup ...............    7
9.   Link Management Protocol MIB Definitions .....................   10
10.  Security Considerations ......................................   46
11.  Acknowledgments ..............................................   47
12.  References ...................................................   47
13.  Authors' Addresses ...........................................   50
14.  Full Copyright Statement .....................................   51

1.  Abstract

   This memo defines an experimental portion of the Management Informa-
   tion Base (MIB) for use with network management protocols in the
   Internet community. In particular, it describes managed objects for
   modeling the Link Management Protocol (LMP) [LMP].

2.  Introduction

   This memo defines an experimental portion of the Management Informa-
   tion Base (MIB) for use with network management protocols in the
   Internet community. In particular, it describes managed objects for
   modeling the Link Management Protocol (LMP) [LMP].

   Comments should be made directly to the ccamp mailing list at

   This memo does not, in its draft form, specify a standard for the
   Internet community.

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119, reference

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3.  Terminology

   This document uses terminology from the document describing the Link
   Management Protocol [LMP]. An "LMP adjacency" is formed between two
   nodes that support the same capabilities, and LMP messages are
   exchanged between the node pair over control channels that form this
   adjacency. Several control channels can be active at the same time.
   With the exception of messages related to control channel management,
   any time a LMP message needs to be transferred to a neighbor node, it
   can be sent on any of the active control channels. The control chan-
   nels can also be used to exchange MPLS control plane information or
   routing information.

   LMP is designed to support aggregation of one or more data-bearing
   links into a traffic-engineering (TE) link. The data-bearing links
   can be either component links or ports depending on their multiplex-
   ing capability (see [LMP] for distinction between port and component
   link). Furthermore, the data-bearing links may be defined as primary
   or secondary data-bearing links, where a secondary data-bearing link
   is used to protect a primary data-bearing link, i.e. if a primary
   data-bearing link fails, data traffic is switched over to one of the
   secondary data-bearing links.

   Each TE link is associated with an LMP adjacency, and one or more
   control channels are used to exchange LMP messages. In turn, control
   channels are used to manage one or more TE links.

4.  The SNMP Management Framework

   The SNMP Management Framework presently consists of five major com-

   -  An overall architecture, described in RFC 2571 [SNMPArch].

   -  Mechanisms for describing and naming objects and events for the
      purpose of management. The first version of this Structure of
      Management Information (SMI) is called SMIv1 and described in
      RFC 1155 [SMIv1], RFC 1212 [SNMPv1MIBDef] and RFC 1215
      [SNMPv1Traps]. The second version, called SMIv2, is described
      in RFC 2578 [SMIv2], RFC 2579 [SNMPv2TC] and RFC 2580

   -  Message protocols for transferring management information. The
      first version of the SNMP message protocol is called SNMPv1
      and described in RFC 1157 [SNMPv1]. A second version of the
      SNMP message protocol, which is not an Internet standards

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      track protocol, is called SNMPv2c and described in RFC 1901
      [SNMPv2c] and RFC 1906 [SNMPv2TM]. The third version of the
      message protocol is called SNMPv3 and described in RFC 1906
      [SNMPv2TM], RFC 2272 [SNMPv3MP] and RFC 2574 [SNMPv3USM].

   -  Protocol operations for accessing management information. The
      first set of protocol operations and associated PDU formats is
      described in RFC 1157 [SNMPv1]. A second set of protocol
      operations and associated PDU formats is described in RFC 1905

   -  A set of fundamental applications described in RFC 2273
      [SNMPv3App] and the view-based access control mechanism
      described in RFC 2575 [SNMPv3VACM].

   Managed objects are accessed via a virtual information store, termed
   the Management Information Base or MIB. Objects in the MIB are
   defined using the mechanisms defined in the SMI. This memo specifies
   a MIB module that is compliant to the SMIv2. A MIB conforming to the
   SMIv1 can be produced through the appropriate translations. The
   resulting translated MIB must be semantically equivalent, except
   where objects or events are omitted because no translation is possi-
   ble (use of Counter64). Some machine-readable information in SMIv2
   will be converted into textual descriptions in SMIv1 during the
   translation process. However, this loss of machine-readable informa-
   tion is not considered to change the semantics of the MIB.

4.1.  Object Definitions

   Managed objects are accessed via a virtual information store, termed
   the Management Information Base or MIB. Objects in the MIB are
   defined using the subset of Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1)
   defined in the SMI. In particular, each object type is named by an
   OBJECT IDENTIFIER, an administratively assigned name.  The object
   type together with an object instance serves to uniquely identify a
   specific instantiation of the object. For human convenience, we often
   use a textual string, termed the descriptor, to also refer to the
   object type.

5.  Feature Checklist

   The Link Management protocol MIB (LMP-MIB) is designed to satisfy the
   following requirements and constraints:

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   -  The MIB supports the enabling and disabling of LMP capability
      on LMP capable interfaces of a photonic switch, optical
      cross-connect or router.

   -  Support is provided for configuration of the keep alive and
      link verification parameters.

   -  The MIB allows the mapping between TE links and control
      channels to be established either through manual
      configuration or via the link verification procedure.

   -  The MIB is used to express the mapping between local and remote
      TE links, as well as local and remote interface identifiers for
      port or component link.

   -  Performance counters are provided for measuring LMP
      performance on a per-interface basis. Performance counters are
      also provided for measuring LMP performance on the data-bearing

   Note that the LMP MIB goes hand-in-hand with the Link Bundling MIB
   [BUNDLE-MIB]. The TE link table, which is used to associate data-
   bearing links to TE links, is defined in the Link Bundling MIB. The
   TE link table in the LMP MIB contains TE link information specific to

6.  Outline

   Configuring LMP through an optical device involves the following

   -  Enabling LMP on LMP capable interfaces through of control channel

   -  Optionally specifying link verification parameters.

   -  Configuring the data-bearing links and associating them to the
      appropriate TE link (this association is stored in the
      Link Bundling MIB).

   -  Identifying which control channels manage the TE link.

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6.1.  Summary of LMP MIB

   The MIB objects for performing these actions consist of the following

   -  The remote node table is used to identify the pair
      of nodes that exchange LMP messages over control channels.

   -  The control channel table (lmpControlChannelTable) is used
      for enabling the LMP protocol on LMP-capable interfaces.

   -  The control channel performance table
      (lmpControlChannelPerfTable) is used for collecting
      LMP performance counts on a per-interface basis.

   -  The TE link table (lmpTeLinkTable) is used for
      specifying TE links.

   -  The link verification table (lmpLinkVerificationTable) is used for
      configuring the LMP link verification parameters of TE links.

   -  The data-bearing link table (lmpDataBearingLinkTable) is used to
      specify the data-bearing links that are associated with TE links.

   -  The data-bearing link performance table
      (lmpDataBearingLinkPerfTable) is used for collecting LMP
      performance counts on data-bearing links.

   These tables are described in the subsequent sections.

7.  Brief Description of MIB Objects

   Sections 7.1-7.3 describe objects pertaining to LMP-capable inter-
   faces. Section 7.4 to 7.7 describes objects for specifying TE links
   and data-bearing links. The MIB objects were derived from the LMP
   document [LMP].

7.1.  lmpNbrTable

   This table identifies the pairs of nodes on which LMP is enabled.

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7.2.  lmpControlChannelTable

   This table represents the interfaces that are LMP capable (i.e. capa-
   ble of transmitting LMP messages). A photonic switch, optical cross-
   connect, or router creates an entry in this table for every LMP capa-
   ble interface on that device.

7.3.  lmpControlChannelPerfTable

   This table contains the objects to measure the LMP performance of LMP
   capable interfaces and is an AUGMENT to the lmpControlChannelTable.
   High capacity counters are provided for objects that are likely to
   wrap around quickly.

7.4.  lmpTeLinkTable

   This table represents the TE link information specific to LMP.

7.5.  lmpLinkVerificationTable

   This table represents the link verification parameters associated
   with the TE links.

7.6.  lmpDataBearingLinkTable

   The data-bearing link table enumerates the data-bearing links that
   are associated with each TE link.

7.7.  lmpDataBearingLinkPerfTable

   This table contains the objects to measure the LMP performance of
   data-bearing links and is an AUGMENT to the lmpDataBearingLinkTable.

8.  Example of LMP Control Channel Setup

   In this section we provide a brief example of using the MIB

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   objects described in section 11 to set up an LMP control channel.
   While this example is not meant to illustrate every nuance of the
   MIB, it is intended as an aid to understanding some of the key
   concepts. It is meant to be read after going through the MIB itself.

   Suppose that one would like to form an LMP adjacency between two
   nodes using two control channels. Suppose also that there are
   three data-bearing links. We also assume that the data-bearing
   links are ports (lambdas). We also assume that the link
   verification procedure is not enabled. The following example
   illustrates which rows and corresponding objects might be created
   to accomplish this.

   First, LMP must be enabled between the pair of nodes.

   In lmpNbrTable:
      lmpNbrNodeId                       = 'c0010101'H, --
      lmpNbrLinkSumRetransmitInterval    = 10,
      lmpNbrAdminStatus                  = up(1),
      lmpNbrRowStatus                    = createAndGo(4)

   Then, the control channels must be set up. These are created in
   the lmpControlChannelTable.

   In lmpControlChannelTable:
      ifIndex                           = 1,
      lmpCcAuthentication               = false(1),
      lmpCcConfigRetransmitInterval     = 10,
      lmpCcHelloInterval                = 5,
      lmpCcHelloDeadInterval            = 15,
      lmpCcAdminStatus                  = up(1),
      lmpCcRowStatus                    = createAndGo(4)

      ifIndex                           = 2,
      lmpCcAuthentication               = false(1),
      lmpCcConfigRetransmitInterval     = 10,
      lmpCcHelloInterval                = 5,
      lmpCcHelloDeadInterval            = 15,
      lmpCcAdminStatus                  = up(1),
      lmpCcRowStatus                    = createAndGo(4)

   Next, the three data-bearing links are created. For each data-

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   bearing link, an ifEntry with the same ifIndex needs to be created

   In lmpDataBearingLinkTable:
      ifIndex                         = 41,
      lmpDataBearingLinkRemoteIfId    = 47,
      lmpDataBearingLinkRowStatus     = createAndGo(4)

      ifIndex                         = 43,
      lmpDataBearingLinkRemoteIfId    = 42,
      lmpDataBearingLinkRowStatus     = createAndGo(4)

      ifIndex                         = 44,
      lmpDataBearingLinkRemoteIfId    = 48,
      lmpDataBearingLinkRowStatus     = createAndGo(4)

   Note that the data-bearing link type (lmpDataBearingLinkType) does
   not need to be provisioned as it is automatically populated by the
   node. The definition of the protection role (primary or
   secondary) for the data-bearing links is stored in the
   dataBearingChannelTable of the Link Bundling MIB [BUNDLE-MIB].

   Then, a TE link is created as an ifEntry with ifType teLink in
   the ifTable.

   Once the TE link is created in the ifTable, a TE link entry
   is created in the LMP MIB to specify TE link information specific
   to LMP.

   In lmpTeLinkTable:
      ifIndex                    = 20,
      lmpRemoteTeLinkId          = 33,
      lmpRemoteTeLinkType        = unnumbered(2),
      lmpTeLinkVerification      = true(2),
      lmpTeLinkFaultIsolation    = true(2),
      lmpTeLinkDwdm              = false(1),
      lmpTeLinkEncodingType      = sonet(6),
      lmpTeLinkBitRate           = 100000,
      lmpTeLinkWavelength        = 0,
      lmpTeLinkAdminStatus       = up(1),
      lmpTeLinkRowStatus         = createAndGo(4)

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   The association between the data-bearing links and the TE links is
   stored in the ifStackTable [IF-MIB].

   In parallel with the entry created in the lmpTeLinkTable, an entry
   may be created in the teLinkTable of Link Bundling MIB

9.  LMP MIB Definitions


   experimental, Integer32, Unsigned32, Counter32, Counter64,


   TEXTUAL-CONVENTION, TruthValue, RowStatus, StorageType,
   RowPointer, TimeStamp
      FROM SNMPv2-TC

   InterfaceIndex, InterfaceIndexOrZero, ifIndex
      FROM IF-MIB;

   LAST-UPDATED "200105221200Z"  -- 22 May 2001 12:00:00 EST
   ORGANIZATION "Common Control and Measurement Protocols (CCAMP)
                 Working Group"
       "        Martin Dubuc
        Postal: edgeflow, Inc.
                329 March Rd.
                Kanata, ON, CANADA K2K 2E1
        Tel:    +1-613-270-9279 x253
        Email:  martin.dubuc@edgeflow.com

                Sudheer Dharanikota
        Postal: Nayna Networks, Inc.
                157 Topaz Street
                Milipitas, CA 95035
        Tel:    +1-408-956-8000 x357

Dubuc et al.             Expires November 2001                 [Page 10]
Internet Draft                MPLS LMP MIB                  May 22, 2001

        Email:  sudheer@nayna.com

                Thomas D. Nadeau
        Postal: Cisco Systems, Inc.
                300 Apollo Drive
                Chelmsford, MA 01824
        Tel:    +1-978-244-3051
        Email:  tnadeau@cisco.com

                Jonathan P. Lang
        Postal: Calient Networks, Inc.
                25 Castilian Drive
                Goleta, CA 93117
        Email:  jplang@calient.net

                Evan McGinnis
        Postal: Calient Networks, Inc.
                5853 Rue Ferrari
                San Jose, CA 95138
        Email:  evan@calient.net"

       "This MIB contains managed object definitions for the
        Link Management Protocol (LMP) as
        defined in: Lang, J., Mitra, K., Drake, J., Kompella, K.,
        Rekhter, Y., Berger, L., Saha, D.,
        Basak, D., Sandick, H., Zinin, A., and
        Rajagopalan, B., Link Management Protocol,
        Internet Draft <draft-ietf-mpls-lmp-02.txt>,
        March 2001."

   -- Revision history.
       "200105221200Z"  -- 22 May 2001 12:00:00 EST
      "Updates based on IETF-50 feedback. Aligned with
       upcoming version of LMP draft."
       "200102221200Z"  -- 22 February 2001 12:00:00 EST
      "Updates based on MPLS mailing list feedback."
       "200101261200Z"  -- 26 January 2001 12:00:00 EST
      "Initial draft version."
   ::= { experimental 113 }

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Internet Draft                MPLS LMP MIB                  May 22, 2001

-- Textual Conventions

   STATUS        current
       "This value represents a Node ID."
   SYNTAX        IpAddress

   STATUS      current
       "The interval delay in milliseconds."
   SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (1..65535)

LmpRetransmitInterval ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
   STATUS      current
       "The retransmission interval delay in milliseconds."
   SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (1..4294967295)

-- Top level components of this MIB

-- Traps
lmpNotifications OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { lmpMIB 0 }
-- Tables, Scalars
lmpObjects       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { lmpMIB 1 }
-- Conformance
lmpConformance   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { lmpMIB 2 }

lmpAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX        INTEGER { up(1), down(2) }
   MAX-ACCESS    read-write
   STATUS        current
       "The desired operational status of LMP on the node."
   DEFVAL        { up }
   ::= { lmpObjects 1 }

-- LMP Neighbor Table

   SYNTAX        SEQUENCE OF LmpNbrEntry
   MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible

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   STATUS        current
       "This table specifies the neighbor node to which control channels
        may be established."
   ::= { lmpObjects 2 }

   SYNTAX        LmpNbrEntry
   MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
   STATUS        current
       "An entry in this table is created by a LMP-enabled device for
        every pair of nodes that can establish control channels."
   INDEX         { lmpNbrNodeId }
   ::= { lmpNbrTable 1 }

LmpNbrEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
  lmpNbrNodeId                    NodeID,
  lmpNbrLinkSumRetransmitInterval LmpRetransmitInterval,
  lmpNbrLinkSumRetransmitTimeout  Unsigned32,
  lmpNbrAdminStatus               Unsigned32,
  lmpNbrOperStatus                Unsigned32,
  lmpNbrRowStatus                 RowStatus,
  lmpNbrStorageType               StorageType

   SYNTAX        NodeID
   MAX-ACCESS    accessible-for-notify
   STATUS        current
       "This is a unique index for an entry in the
        LmpNbrTable. This value represents the
        remote Node ID."
   ::= { lmpNbrEntry 1 }

lmpNbrLinkSumRetransmitInterval OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX        LmpRetransmitInterval
   MAX-ACCESS    read-create
   STATUS        current
       "This object specifies the interval that is used for the
        retransmission of LinkSummary messages during the property
        correlation phase."
       "draft-ietf-mpls-lmp-02.txt - Link Management Protocol (LMP),
        J. Lang, K. Mitra, J. Drake, K. Kompella, Y. Rekhter,
        L. Berger, D. Saha, D. Basak, H. Sandick, A. Zinin,

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        B. Rajagopalan, March 2001."
   ::= { lmpNbrEntry 2 }

lmpNbrLinkSumRetransmitTimeout OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX        Unsigned32
   MAX-ACCESS    read-create
   STATUS        current
       "This object specifies the LinkSummary retransmission timeout
        period. If the specified timeout expires and no
        LinkSummaryAck or LinkSummaryNack message has been received,
        a node can stop restransmitting LinkSummary messages for the
        TE link. A value of 0 is used to indicate that a node should
        never stop retransmission."
       "draft-ietf-mpls-lmp-02.txt - Link Management Protocol (LMP),
        J. Lang, K. Mitra, J. Drake, K. Kompella, Y. Rekhter,
        L. Berger, D. Saha, D. Basak, H. Sandick, A. Zinin,
        B. Rajagopalan, March 2001."
   DEFVAL        { 0 }
   ::= { lmpNbrEntry 3 }

lmpNbrAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX        INTEGER { up(1), down(2) }
   MAX-ACCESS    read-create
   STATUS        current
       "The desired operational status of LMP to this remote node."
   ::= { lmpNbrEntry 4 }

lmpNbrOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX        INTEGER { up(1), down(2) }
   MAX-ACCESS    read-only
   STATUS        current
       "The actual operational status of LMP to this remote node."
   ::= { lmpNbrEntry 5 }

lmpNbrRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX        RowStatus
   MAX-ACCESS    read-create
   STATUS        current
       "This variable is used to create, modify, and/or
        delete a row in this table."
   ::= { lmpNbrEntry 6 }

lmpNbrStorageType OBJECT-TYPE

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   SYNTAX        StorageType
   MAX-ACCESS    read-create
   STATUS        current
       "The storage type for this entry."
   ::= { lmpNbrEntry 7 }

-- End of lmpNbrTable

lmpCcHelloIntervalDefault OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX        LmpInterval
   MAX-ACCESS    read-write
   STATUS        current
       "This object specifies the default value for the HelloInterval
        parameter used in the Hello protocol keep-alive phase. It
        indicates how frequently LMP Hello messages will be sent."
       "draft-ietf-mpls-lmp-02.txt - Link Management Protocol (LMP),
        J. Lang, K. Mitra, J. Drake, K. Kompella, Y. Rekhter,
        L. Berger, D. Saha, D. Basak, H. Sandick, A. Zinin,
        B. Rajagopalan, March 2001."
   ::= { lmpObjects 3 }

lmpCcHelloIntervalDefaultMin OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX        LmpInterval
   MAX-ACCESS    read-write
   STATUS        current
       "This object specifies the default minimum value for the
        HelloInterval parameter."
   ::= { lmpObjects 4 }

lmpCcHelloIntervalDefaultMax OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX        LmpInterval
   MAX-ACCESS    read-write
   STATUS        current
       "This object specifies the default maximum value for the
        HelloInterval parameter."
   ::= { lmpObjects 5 }

lmpCcHelloDeadIntervalDefault OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX        LmpInterval
   MAX-ACCESS    read-write
   STATUS        current

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       "This object specifies the default HelloDeadInterval parameter to
        use in the Hello protocol keep-alive phase. It indicates how long
        a device should wait before declaring the control channel dead.
        The HelloDeadInterval parameter must be greater than the
        HelloInterval parameter and should be at least three times the
        value of HelloInterval."
       "draft-ietf-mpls-lmp-02.txt - Link Management Protocol (LMP),
        J. Lang, K. Mitra, J. Drake, K. Kompella, Y. Rekhter,
        L. Berger, D. Saha, D. Basak, H. Sandick, A. Zinin,
        B. Rajagopalan, March 2001."
   ::= { lmpObjects 6 }

lmpCcHelloDeadIntervalDefaultMin OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX        LmpInterval
   MAX-ACCESS    read-write
   STATUS        current
       "This object specifies the default minimum value for the
        HelloDeadInterval parameter."
   ::= { lmpObjects 7 }

lmpCcHelloDeadIntervalDefaultMax OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX        LmpInterval
   MAX-ACCESS    read-write
   STATUS        current
       "This object specifies the default maximum value for the
        HelloDeadInterval parameter."
   ::= { lmpObjects 8 }

-- LMP Control Channel Table

lmpControlChannelTable OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX        SEQUENCE OF LmpControlChannelEntry
   MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
   STATUS        current
       "This table specifies LMP control channel information."
   ::= { lmpObjects 9 }

lmpControlChannelEntry OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX        LmpControlChannelEntry
   MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
   STATUS        current
       "An entry in this table is created by a LMP-enabled device for

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        every control channel. An ifEntry with must exist in the ifTable
        before the lmpControlChannelEntry with corresponding ifIndex
        is created. If the entry in the ifTable is destroyed, then so
        is the corresponding entry in the lmpControlChannelTable."
   INDEX         { ifIndex }
   ::= { lmpControlChannelTable 1 }

LmpControlChannelEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
  lmpCcNbrNodeId                 NodeID,
  lmpRemoteCcId                  InterfaceIndexOrZero,
  lmpCcAuthentication            TruthValue,
  lmpCcConfigRetransmitInterval  LmpRetransmitInterval,
  lmpCcConfigRetransmitTimeout   Unsigned32,
  lmpCcHelloInterval             LmpInterval,
  lmpCcHelloIntervalMin          LmpInterval,
  lmpCcHelloIntervalMax          LmpInterval,
  lmpCcHelloDeadInterval         LmpInterval,
  lmpCcHelloDeadIntervalMin      LmpInterval,
  lmpCcHelloDeadIntervalMax      LmpInterval,
  lmpCcAdminStatus               Unsigned32,
  lmpCcOperStatus                Unsigned32,
  lmpCcRowStatus                 RowStatus,
  lmpCcStorageType               StorageType

   SYNTAX        NodeID
   MAX-ACCESS    read-only
   STATUS        current
       "This is the Node ID of the control channel remote node.
        This value gets created by the node when the Config
        message is acknowledged by the remote node."
   ::= { lmpControlChannelEntry 1 }

   SYNTAX        InterfaceIndexOrZero
   MAX-ACCESS    read-only
   STATUS        current
       "This value represents the interface index for the remote control
        channel. It is determined during the negotiation phase. A value
        of zero means that the remote control channel identifier has not
        yet been assigned."
   ::= { lmpControlChannelEntry 2 }

lmpCcAuthentication OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX        TruthValue

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   MAX-ACCESS    read-create
   STATUS        current
       "This object indicates whether the control channel should use
       "draft-ietf-mpls-lmp-02.txt - Link Management Protocol (LMP),
        J. Lang, K. Mitra, J. Drake, K. Kompella, Y. Rekhter,
        L. Berger, D. Saha, D. Basak, H. Sandick, A. Zinin,
        B. Rajagopalan, March 2001."
   ::= { lmpControlChannelEntry 3 }

lmpCcConfigRetransmitInterval OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX        LmpRetransmitInterval
   MAX-ACCESS    read-create
   STATUS        current
       "This object specifies the interval that is used for the
        retransmission of Config messages during the parameter
        negotiation phase."
       "draft-ietf-mpls-lmp-02.txt - Link Management Protocol (LMP),
        J. Lang, K. Mitra, J. Drake, K. Kompella, Y. Rekhter,
        L. Berger, D. Saha, D. Basak, H. Sandick, A. Zinin,
        B. Rajagopalan, March 2001."
   ::= { lmpControlChannelEntry 4 }

lmpCcConfigRetransmitTimeout OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX        Unsigned32
   MAX-ACCESS    read-create
   STATUS        current
       "This object specifies the Config restransmission timeout
        period. If the specified timeout expires and no Config,
        ConfigAck or ConfigNack message has been received, a node
        can stop restransmitting Config messages on the control
        channel. A value of 0 is used to indicate that a node should
        never stop retransmission."
       "draft-ietf-mpls-lmp-02.txt - Link Management Protocol (LMP),
        J. Lang, K. Mitra, J. Drake, K. Kompella, Y. Rekhter,
        L. Berger, D. Saha, D. Basak, H. Sandick, A. Zinin,
        B. Rajagopalan, March 2001."
   DEFVAL        { 0 }
   ::= { lmpControlChannelEntry 5 }

lmpCcHelloInterval OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX        LmpInterval

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   MAX-ACCESS    read-write
   STATUS        current
       "This object specifies the value of the HelloInterval
        parameter. Once the control channel is active, it represents
        the negotiated value of the HelloInterval."
   ::= { lmpControlChannelEntry 6 }

lmpCcHelloIntervalMin OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX        LmpInterval
   MAX-ACCESS    read-write
   STATUS        current
       "This object specifies the minimum value for the
        HelloInterval parameter."
   ::= { lmpControlChannelEntry 7 }

lmpCcHelloIntervalMax OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX        LmpInterval
   MAX-ACCESS    read-write
   STATUS        current
       "This object specifies the maximum value for the
        HelloInterval parameter."
   ::= { lmpControlChannelEntry 8 }

lmpCcHelloDeadInterval OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX        LmpInterval
   MAX-ACCESS    read-write
   STATUS        current
       "This object specifies the value of the HelloDeadInterval
        parameter. Once the control channel is active, it represents
        the negotiated value of the HelloDeadInterval."
   ::= { lmpControlChannelEntry 9 }

lmpCcHelloDeadIntervalMin OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX        LmpInterval
   MAX-ACCESS    read-write
   STATUS        current
       "This object specifies the minimum value for the
        HelloDeadInterval parameter."
   ::= { lmpControlChannelEntry 10 }

lmpCcHelloDeadIntervalMax OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX        LmpInterval
   MAX-ACCESS    read-write

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   STATUS        current
       "This object specifies the maximum value for the
        HelloDeadInterval parameter."
   ::= { lmpControlChannelEntry 11 }

lmpCcAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX        INTEGER { up(1), down(2) }
   MAX-ACCESS    read-create
   STATUS        current
       "The desired operational status of this control channel."
   ::= { lmpControlChannelEntry 12 }

lmpCcOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX        INTEGER {
   MAX-ACCESS    read-only
   STATUS        current
       "The actual operational status of this control channel
   ::= { lmpControlChannelEntry 13 }

lmpCcRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX        RowStatus
   MAX-ACCESS    read-create
   STATUS        current
       "This variable is used to create, modify, and/or
        delete a row in this table."
   ::= { lmpControlChannelEntry 14 }

lmpCcStorageType OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX        StorageType
   MAX-ACCESS    read-create
   STATUS        current
       "The storage type for this entry."
   ::= { lmpControlChannelEntry 15 }

-- End of lmpControlChannelTable

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-- LMP Control Channel Performance Table

lmpControlChannelPerfTable OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX        SEQUENCE OF LmpInterfacePerfEntry
   MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
   STATUS        current
       "This table specifies LMP control channel performance counters."
   ::= { lmpObjects 10 }

lmpControlChannelPerfEntry OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX        LmpInterfacePerfEntry
   MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
   STATUS        current
       "An entry in this table is created by a LMP-enabled device for
        every control channel."
   AUGMENTS      { lmpControlChannelEntry }
   ::= { lmpControlChannelPerfTable 1 }

LmpInterfacePerfEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
  lmpCcHCInOctets            Counter64,
  lmpCcInDiscards            Counter32,
  lmpCcInErrors              Counter32,
  lmpCcHCOutOctets           Counter64,
  lmpCcOutDiscards           Counter32,
  lmpCcOutErrors             Counter32,
  lmpCcHCHelloReceived       Counter64,
  lmpCcHCHelloSent           Counter64,
  lmpCcConfigReceived        Counter32,
  lmpCcConfigSent            Counter32,
  lmpCcConfigRetransmit      Counter32,
  lmpCcLinkSummaryReceived   Counter32,
  lmpCcLinkSummarySent       Counter32,
  lmpCcLinkSummaryRetransmit Counter32,
  lmpCcChannelFailReceived   Counter32,
  lmpCcChannelFailSent       Counter32,
  lmpCcChannelActiveReceived Counter32,
  lmpCcChannelActiveSent     Counter32

    SYNTAX      Counter64
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      current
            "The total number of LMP message octets received on the
             control channel."

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    ::= { lmpControlChannelPerfEntry 1 }

lmpCcInDiscards OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      Counter32
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      current
            "The number of inbound packets which were chosen to be
             discarded even though no errors had been detected. One
             possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to
             free up buffer space."
    ::= { lmpControlChannelPerfEntry 2 }

    SYNTAX      Counter32
    MAX-ACCESS   read-only
    STATUS       current
            "The number of inbound packets that contained errors
             preventing them from being processed by LMP."
    ::= { lmpControlChannelPerfEntry 3 }

    SYNTAX       Counter64
    MAX-ACCESS   read-only
    STATUS       current
            "The total number of LMP message octets transmitted out of
             the control channel."
    ::= { lmpControlChannelPerfEntry 4 }

lmpCcOutDiscards OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX       Counter32
    MAX-ACCESS   read-only
    STATUS       current
            "The number of outbound packets which were chosen to be
             discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent
             their being transmitted. One possible reason for discarding
             such a packet could be to free up buffer space."
    ::= { lmpControlChannelPerfEntry 5 }

lmpCcOutErrors OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX       Counter32
    MAX-ACCESS   read-only
    STATUS       current
            "The number of outbound packets that could not be

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             transmitted because of errors."
    ::= { lmpControlChannelPerfEntry 6 }

lmpCcHCHelloReceived OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX        Counter64
   MAX-ACCESS    read-only
   STATUS        current
       "This object counts the number of Hello messages that have
        been received on this interface."
   ::= { lmpControlChannelPerfEntry 7 }

   SYNTAX        Counter64
   MAX-ACCESS    read-only
   STATUS        current
       "This object counts the number of Hello messages that have
        been sent on this interface."
   ::= { lmpControlChannelPerfEntry 8 }

lmpCcConfigReceived OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX        Counter32
   MAX-ACCESS    read-only
   STATUS        current
       "This object counts the number of Config messages that have
        been received on this interface."
   ::= { lmpControlChannelPerfEntry 9 }

lmpCcConfigSent OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX        Counter32
   MAX-ACCESS    read-only
   STATUS        current
       "This object counts the number of Config messages that have
        been sent on this interface."
   ::= { lmpControlChannelPerfEntry 10 }

lmpCcConfigRetransmit OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX        Counter32
   MAX-ACCESS    read-only
   STATUS        current
       "This object counts the number of Config messages that
        have been retransmitted over this interface."
   ::= { lmpControlChannelPerfEntry 11 }

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lmpCcLinkSummaryReceived OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX        Counter32
   MAX-ACCESS    read-only
   STATUS        current
       "This object counts the number of LinkSummary messages that have
        been received on this interface."
   ::= { lmpControlChannelPerfEntry 12 }

lmpCcLinkSummarySent OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX        Counter32
   MAX-ACCESS    read-only
   STATUS        current
       "This object counts the number of LinkSummary messages that have
        been sent on this interface."
   ::= { lmpControlChannelPerfEntry 13 }

lmpCcLinkSummaryRetransmit OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX        Counter32
   MAX-ACCESS    read-only
   STATUS        current
       "This object counts the number of LinkSummary messages that
        have been retransmitted over this interface."
   ::= { lmpControlChannelPerfEntry 14 }

lmpCcChannelFailReceived OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX        Counter32
   MAX-ACCESS    read-only
   STATUS        current
       "This object counts the number of ChannelFail messages that have
        been received on this interface."
   ::= { lmpControlChannelPerfEntry 15 }

lmpCcChannelFailSent OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX        Counter32
   MAX-ACCESS    read-only
   STATUS        current
       "This object counts the number of ChannelFail messages that have
        been sent on this interface."
   ::= { lmpControlChannelPerfEntry 16 }

lmpCcChannelActiveReceived OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX        Counter32
   MAX-ACCESS    read-only

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   STATUS        current
       "This object counts the number of ChannelActive messages that have
        been received on this interface."
   ::= { lmpControlChannelPerfEntry 17 }

lmpCcChannelActiveSent OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX        Counter32
   MAX-ACCESS    read-only
   STATUS        current
       "This object counts the number of ChannelActive messages that have
        been sent on this interface."
   ::= { lmpControlChannelPerfEntry 18 }

-- End of lmpControlChannelPerfTable

-- LMP TE Link Table

lmpTeLinkTable OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX        SEQUENCE OF LmpTeLinkEntry
   MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
   STATUS        current
       "This table contains a collection of TE link."
   ::= { lmpObjects 11 }

lmpTeLinkEntry OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX        LmpTeLinkEntry
   MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
   STATUS        current
       "An entry in this table exists for each ifEntry with an
        ifType of teLink(TBD), i.e. for every TE link. An ifEntry
        with an ifIndex must exist before the corresponding
        teLinkEntry is created. If a TE link entry in the ifTable is
        destroyed, then so is the corresponding entry in the
        teLinkTable. The administrative status value is controlled
        from the ifEntry. Setting the administrative status to
        testing prompts LMP to start link verification on the TE link.
        Information about the TE link that is not LMP specific is also
        contained in teLinkTable [BUNDLE-MIB]."
   INDEX         { ifIndex }
   ::= { lmpTeLinkTable 1 }

LmpTeLinkEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
  lmpTeLinkNbrNodeId      NodeID,

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  lmpRemoteTeLinkId       InterfaceIndexOrZero,
  lmpRemoteTeLinkType     Unsigned32,
  lmpTeLinkVerification   TruthValue,
  lmpTeLinkFaultIsolation TruthValue,
  lmpTeLinkDwdm           TruthValue,
  lmpTeLinkEncodingType   Unsigned32,
  lmpTeLinkBitRate        Unsigned32,
  lmpTeLinkWavelength     Unsigned32,
  lmpTeLinkOperStatus     Unsigned32,
  lmpTeLinkRowStatus      RowStatus,
  lmpTeLinkStorageType    StorageType

lmpTeLinkNbrNodeId OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX        NodeID
   MAX-ACCESS    read-write
   STATUS        current
       "This is the Node ID of the TE link remote node."
   ::= { lmpTeLinkEntry 1 }

lmpRemoteTeLinkId OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX        InterfaceIndexOrZero
   MAX-ACCESS    read-create
   STATUS        current
       "This identifies the TE link identifier on the remote side
        of the TE link. This is either configured manually or is
        communicated by the remote node during the link verification
        procedure. It is expected that for unnumbered TE links, this
        value will be set to 0."
   ::= { lmpTeLinkEntry 2 }

lmpRemoteTeLinkType OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX        INTEGER {
   MAX-ACCESS    read-create
   STATUS        current
       "The remote TE link type (numbered or unnumbered)."
   ::= { lmpTeLinkEntry 3 }

lmpTeLinkVerification OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX        TruthValue
   MAX-ACCESS    read-create
   STATUS        current

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       "This object indicates if the extended LMP link verification
        procedure is enabled for this TE link."
       "draft-ietf-mpls-lmp-02.txt - Link Management Protocol (LMP),
        J. Lang, K. Mitra, J. Drake, K. Kompella, Y. Rekhter,
        L. Berger, D. Saha, D. Basak, H. Sandick, A. Zinin,
        B. Rajagopalan, March 2001."
   ::= { lmpTeLinkEntry 4 }

lmpTeLinkFaultIsolation OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX        TruthValue
   MAX-ACCESS    read-create
   STATUS        current
       "This object indicates if the extended LMP fault isolation
        procedure is enabled on this TE link."
       "draft-ietf-mpls-lmp-02.txt - Link Management Protocol (LMP),
        J. Lang, K. Mitra, J. Drake, K. Kompella, Y. Rekhter,
        L. Berger, D. Saha, D. Basak, H. Sandick, A. Zinin,
        B. Rajagopalan, March 2001."
   ::= { lmpTeLinkEntry 5 }

   SYNTAX        TruthValue
   MAX-ACCESS    read-create
   STATUS        current
       "This object indicates if the extended LMP DWDM procedure
        is enabled on this TE link."
       "draft-ietf-mpls-lmp-02.txt - Link Management Protocol (LMP),
        J. Lang, K. Mitra, J. Drake, K. Kompella, Y. Rekhter,
        L. Berger, D. Saha, D. Basak, H. Sandick, A. Zinin,
        B. Rajagopalan, March 2001."
   ::= { lmpTeLinkEntry 6 }

lmpTeLinkEncodingType OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX        INTEGER {

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   MAX-ACCESS    read-create
   STATUS        current
       "The encoding type of the data-bearing links contained in the
        TE link."
       "draft-ietf-mpls-generalized-signaling-00.txt - Generalized
        MPLS Signaling Functional Description, P. Ashwood-Smith,
        A. Banarjee, L. Berger, G. Bernstein, J. Drake, Y. Fan,
        E. Mannie, J. Lang, B. Rajagopalan, Y. Rekhter, D. Saha,
        V. Sharma, G. Swallow, Z. Tang, October 2000."
   ::= { lmpTeLinkEntry 7 }

lmpTeLinkBitRate OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX        Unsigned32
   MAX-ACCESS    read-create
   STATUS        current
       "This is the bit rate at which the Test messages will be
        transmitted and is expressed in bytes per second."
       "draft-ietf-mpls-lmp-02.txt - Link Management Protocol (LMP),
        J. Lang, K. Mitra, J. Drake, K. Kompella, Y. Rekhter,
        L. Berger, D. Saha, D. Basak, H. Sandick, A. Zinin,
        B. Rajagopalan, March 2001."
   ::= { lmpTeLinkEntry 8 }

lmpTeLinkWavelength OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX        Unsigned32
   MAX-ACCESS    read-create
   STATUS        current
       "This value corresponds to the wavelength at
        which the Test messages will be transmitted over and is
        measured in nanometers (nm). If each data-bearing link
        corresponds to a separate wavelength, than this value should be
        set to 0."
       "draft-ietf-mpls-lmp-02.txt - Link Management Protocol (LMP),
        J. Lang, K. Mitra, J. Drake, K. Kompella, Y. Rekhter,
        L. Berger, D. Saha, D. Basak, H. Sandick, A. Zinin,
        B. Rajagopalan, March 2001."
   ::= { lmpTeLinkEntry 9 }

lmpTeLinkOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX        INTEGER { up(1), down(2), testing(3), degraded(4) }

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   MAX-ACCESS    read-only
   STATUS        current
       "The actual operational status of this TE link. The status
        is set to testing when the TE link is performing link
        verification. A degraded status indicates that the TE link
        cannot provide the provisioned protection level, but yet,
        there is no disruption of service. For instance, if the
        protection type is 1+1 and one link is down, the TE link
        still carries the requested amount of data traffic, but
        this traffic is not protected anymore."
   ::= { lmpTeLinkEntry 10 }

lmpTeLinkRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX        RowStatus
   MAX-ACCESS    read-create
   STATUS        current
       "This variable is used to create, modify, and/or
        delete a row in this table."
   ::= { lmpTeLinkEntry 11 }

lmpTeLinkStorageType OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX        StorageType
   MAX-ACCESS    read-create
   STATUS        current
       "This variable indicates the storage type for this
   ::= { lmpTeLinkEntry 12 }

-- End of lmpTeLinkTable

lmpLinkVerificationInterval OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX        Unsigned32
   MAX-ACCESS    read-write
   STATUS        current
       "This object indicates how often the link verification procedure
        is executed. The interval is in milliseconds."
   ::= { lmpObjects 12 }

-- LMP Link Verification Table

lmpLinkVerificationTable OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX        SEQUENCE OF LmpLinkVerificationEntry

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   MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
   STATUS        current
       "This table specifies TE link information
        associated with the LMP verification procedure."
   ::= { lmpObjects 13 }

lmpLinkVerificationEntry OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX        LmpLinkVerificationEntry
   MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
   STATUS        current
       "An entry in this table is created by a LMP-enabled device for
        every TE link that supports the LMP verification
   AUGMENTS      { lmpTeLinkEntry }
   ::= { lmpLinkVerificationTable 1 }

LmpLinkVerificationEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
  lmpVerifyInterval           LmpInterval,
  lmpVerifyDeadInterval       LmpInterval,
  lmpVerifyTransportMechanism BITS,
  lmpVerifyAllLinks           Unsigned32

lmpVerifyInterval OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX        LmpInterval
   MAX-ACCESS    read-create
   STATUS        current
       "This object specifies the VerifyInterval parameter used
        in the LMP link verification process. It indicates the interval
        at which the Test messages are sent."
       "draft-ietf-mpls-lmp-02.txt - Link Management Protocol (LMP),
        J. Lang, K. Mitra, J. Drake, K. Kompella, Y. Rekhter,
        L. Berger, D. Saha, D. Basak, H. Sandick, A. Zinin,
        B. Rajagopalan, March 2001."
   ::= { lmpLinkVerificationEntry 1 }

lmpVerifyDeadInterval OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX        LmpInterval
   MAX-ACCESS    read-create
   STATUS        current
       "This object specifies the VerifyDeadInterval parameter used
        in the verification of the physical connectivity of data-bearing
        links. It specifies the observation period used to detect a Test

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        message at the remote node."
       "draft-ietf-mpls-lmp-02.txt - Link Management Protocol (LMP),
        J. Lang, K. Mitra, J. Drake, K. Kompella, Y. Rekhter,
        L. Berger, D. Saha, D. Basak, H. Sandick, A. Zinin,
        B. Rajagopalan, March 2001."
   ::= { lmpLinkVerificationEntry 2 }

lmpVerifyTransportMechanism OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX        BITS {
                     -- SONET/SDH encoding type:
                     -- GigE encoding type: TBD
                     -- 10GigE encoding type: TBD
   MAX-ACCESS    read-create
   STATUS        current
       "This defines the transport mechanism for the Test messages. The
        scope of this bit mask is restricted to each link encoding
        type. The local node will set the bits corresponding to the
        various mechanisms it can support for transmitting LMP Test
        messages. The receiver chooses the appropriate mechanism in the
        BeginVerifyAck message."
       "draft-ietf-mpls-lmp-02.txt - Link Management Protocol (LMP),
        J. Lang, K. Mitra, J. Drake, K. Kompella, Y. Rekhter,
        L. Berger, D. Saha, D. Basak, H. Sandick, A. Zinin,
        B. Rajagopalan, March 2001."
   ::= { lmpLinkVerificationEntry 3 }

lmpVerifyAllLinks OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX        INTEGER { verifyAllLinks(1), verifyNewLinks(2) }
   MAX-ACCESS    read-create
   STATUS        current
       "This object indicates whether the verification process checks
        all entities or only the new entities that have been added to
        this TE link."
   ::= { lmpLinkVerificationEntry 4 }

-- End of lmpLinkVerificationTable

-- LMP Data Bearing Link Table

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lmpDataBearingLinkTable OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX        SEQUENCE OF LmpDataBearingLinkEntry
   MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
   STATUS        current
       "This table specifies the data-bearing links managed by the
   ::= { lmpObjects 14 }

lmpDataBearingLinkEntry OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX        LmpDataBearingLinkEntry
   MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
   STATUS        current
       "An entry in this table exists for each ifEntry that represents
        a data-bearing link. An ifEntry with an ifIndex must exist
        before the corresponding lmpDataBearingLinkEntry is created.
        If an entry representing the data-bearing link is destroyed in
        the ifTable, then so is the corresponding entry in the
        lmpDataBearingLinkTable. The administrative status value is
        controlled from the ifEntry. The index to this table also
        used to get information in the dataBearingChannelTable
   INDEX         { ifIndex }
   ::= { lmpDataBearingLinkTable 1 }

LmpDataBearingLinkEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
  lmpDataBearingLinkType             Unsigned32,
  lmpDataBearingLinkRemoteIfId       InterfaceIndexOrZero,
  lmpDataBearingLinkOperStatus       Unsigned32,
  lmpDataBearingLinkRowStatus        RowStatus,
  lmpDataBearingLinkStorageType      StorageType

lmpDataBearingLinkType OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX        INTEGER {
   MAX-ACCESS    read-only
   STATUS        current
       "This attribute specifies whether this data-bearing link is
        a port or a component link. Component link are multiplex
        capable whereas, ports are not multiplex capable."
       "draft-ietf-mpls-lmp-02.txt - Link Management Protocol (LMP),
        J. Lang, K. Mitra, J. Drake, K. Kompella, Y. Rekhter,

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        L. Berger, D. Saha, D. Basak, H. Sandick, A. Zinin,
        B. Rajagopalan, March 2001."
   ::= { lmpDataBearingLinkEntry 1 }

lmpDataBearingLinkRemoteIfId OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX        InterfaceIndexOrZero
   MAX-ACCESS    read-write
   STATUS        current
       "Interface identifier of the remote end point. This
        information is either configured manually or is
        communicated by the remote node during the link verification
   ::= { lmpDataBearingLinkEntry 2 }

lmpDataBearingLinkOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX        INTEGER {
                     degraded(8) }
   MAX-ACCESS    read-only
   STATUS        current
       "The actual operational status of this data-bearing link.
        A data-bearing link is in the degraded state if the
        control channel and associated backup control channel(s) are
        down but the data-bearing link is still operational."
       "draft-ietf-mpls-lmp-02.txt - Link Management Protocol (LMP),
        J. Lang, K. Mitra, J. Drake, K. Kompella, Y. Rekhter,
        L. Berger, D. Saha, D. Basak, H. Sandick, A. Zinin,
        B. Rajagopalan, March 2001."
   ::= { lmpDataBearingLinkEntry 3 }

lmpDataBearingLinkRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX        RowStatus
   MAX-ACCESS    read-create
   STATUS        current
       "This variable is used to create, modify, and/or
        delete a row in this table."
   ::= { lmpDataBearingLinkEntry 4 }

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lmpDataBearingLinkStorageType OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX        StorageType
   MAX-ACCESS    read-create
   STATUS        current
       "This variable indicates the storage type for this
   ::= { lmpDataBearingLinkEntry 5 }

-- End of lmpDataBearingLinkTable

-- LMP Data Bearing Link Performance Table

lmpDataBearingLinkPerfTable OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX        SEQUENCE OF LmpDataBearingLinkPerfEntry
   MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
   STATUS        current
       "This table specifies the data-bearing links LMP performance
   ::= { lmpObjects 15 }

lmpDataBearingLinkPerfEntry OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX        LmpDataBearingLinkPerfEntry
   MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
   STATUS        current
       "An entry in this table contains information about
        the LMP performance counters for the data-bearing links."
   AUGMENTS      { lmpDataBearingLinkEntry }
   ::= { lmpDataBearingLinkPerfTable 1 }

LmpDataBearingLinkPerfEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
  lmpDataBearingLinkTestReceived Counter32,
  lmpDataBearingLinkTestSent     Counter32

lmpDataBearingLinkTestReceived OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX        Counter32
   MAX-ACCESS    read-only
   STATUS        current
       "This object counts the number of Test messages that have
        been received on this interface."
   ::= { lmpDataBearingLinkPerfEntry 1 }

lmpDataBearingLinkTestSent OBJECT-TYPE

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   SYNTAX        Counter32
   MAX-ACCESS    read-only
   STATUS        current
       "This object counts the number of Test messages that have
        been sent on this interface."
   ::= { lmpDataBearingLinkPerfEntry 2 }

-- End of lmpDataBearingLinkTable

-- Notification Configuration

lmpLinkPropertyMismatchTrapEnable OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX        TruthValue
   MAX-ACCESS    read-write
   STATUS        current
       "If this object is true, then it enables the
        generation of lmpTeLinkPropertyMismatch
        and lmpDataBearingLinkPropertyMismatch traps,
        otherwise these traps are not emitted."
   DEFVAL        { false }
   ::= { lmpObjects 16 }

lmpUnprotectedTrapEnable OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX        TruthValue
   MAX-ACCESS    read-write
   STATUS        current
       "If this object is true, then it enables the
        generation of lmpUnprotected trap,
        otherwise these traps are not emitted."
   DEFVAL        { false }
   ::= { lmpObjects 17 }

lmpCcUpDownTrapEnable OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX        TruthValue
   MAX-ACCESS    read-write
   STATUS        current
       "If this object is true, then it enables the generation of
        lmpControlChannelUp and lmpControlChannelDown traps,
        otherwise these traps are not emitted."
   DEFVAL        { false }
   ::= { lmpObjects 18 }

lmpTeLinkTrapEnable OBJECT-TYPE

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   SYNTAX        TruthValue
   MAX-ACCESS    read-write
   STATUS        current
       "If this object is true, then it enables the
        generation of lmpTeLinkDegraded trap,
        otherwise these traps are not emitted."
   DEFVAL        { false }
   ::= { lmpObjects 19 }

-- Notifications

-- Link Property Mismatch Traps

lmpTeLinkPropertyMismatch NOTIFICATION-TYPE
   OBJECTS       { ifIndex,
                   lmpRemoteTeLinkId }
   STATUS        current
       "This notification is generated when a TE link property
        mismatch is detected on the node. ifIndex is the interface
        index of the misconfigured TE link. The remote TE link id
        is the remote TE link id received in the LinkSummary message."
   ::= { lmpNotifications 1 }

lmpDataBearingLinkPropertyMismatch NOTIFICATION-TYPE
   OBJECTS       { ifIndex,
                   lmpDataBearingLinkRemoteIfId }
   STATUS        current
       "This notification is generated when a data-bearing link
        property mismatch is detected on the node. The first ifIndex
        is the interface index of the TE link. The second ifIndex is
        the interface index of the data-bearing link. The remote entify
        interface id is the remote entity interface id received in the
        LinkSummary message."
   ::= { lmpNotifications 2 }

-- Neighbor Trap

   OBJECTS       { lmpCcNbrNodeId }
   STATUS        current
       "This notification is generated when all but one control channel
        is operational. If the only operational control channel fails,

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        then there will be no more control channels between the pair of
        nodes and all the data-bearing links between the pair of nodes
        will go to degraded state."
   ::= { lmpNotifications 3 }

-- Control Channel Trap

   OBJECTS       { ifIndex }
   STATUS        current
       "This notification is generated when a control
        channel transitions to the up operational state."
   ::= { lmpNotifications 4 }

lmpControlChannelDown NOTIFICATION-TYPE
   OBJECTS       { ifIndex }
   STATUS        current
       "This notification is generated when a control
        channel transitions to the down operational state."
   ::= { lmpNotifications 5 }

-- TE Link Trap

   OBJECTS       { ifIndex }
   STATUS        current
       "This notification is generated when a lmpTeLinkOperStatus
        object for a TE link enters the degraded state."
   ::= { lmpNotifications 6 }

-- End of notifications

-- Module compliance

   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { lmpConformance 1 }

   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { lmpConformance 2 }

lmpModuleCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
   STATUS current
       "Compliance statement for agents that support the

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        MPLS LMP MIB."
   MODULE -- this module

      -- The mandatory groups have to be implemented
      -- by all LMP-enabled devices. However, they may all be supported
      -- as read-only objects in the case where manual
      -- configuration is unsupported.

      MANDATORY-GROUPS    { lmpNodeGroup,
                            lmpDataBearingLinkGroup }

      GROUP lmpLinkVerificationGroup
          "This group is mandatory for devices which support
           the link verification procedure."

      -- Scalars

      OBJECT      lmpAdminStatus
      MIN-ACCESS  read-only
          "Write access is not required."

      OBJECT      lmpLinkVerificationInterval
      MIN-ACCESS  read-only
          "Write access is not required."

      OBJECT      lmpCcHelloIntervalDefault
      MIN-ACCESS  read-only
          "Write access is not required."

      OBJECT      lmpCcHelloIntervalDefaultMin
      MIN-ACCESS  read-only
          "Write access is not required."

      OBJECT      lmpCcHelloIntervalDefaultMax
      MIN-ACCESS  read-only
          "Write access is not required."

      OBJECT      lmpCcHelloDeadIntervalDefault

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      MIN-ACCESS  read-only
          "Write access is not required."

      OBJECT      lmpCcHelloDeadIntervalDefaultMin
      MIN-ACCESS  read-only
          "Write access is not required."

      OBJECT      lmpCcHelloDeadIntervalDefaultMax
      MIN-ACCESS  read-only
          "Write access is not required."

      -- lmpNbrTable

      OBJECT      lmpNbrLinkSumRetransmitInterval
      MIN-ACCESS  read-only
          "Write access is not required."

      OBJECT      lmpNbrLinkSumRetransmitTimeout
      MIN-ACCESS  read-only
          "Write access is not required."

      OBJECT      lmpNbrRowStatus
      SYNTAX      INTEGER { active(1), notInService(2),
                            createAndGo(4), destroy(6) }
      MIN-ACCESS  read-only
          "The notReady(3) and createAndWait(5) states need
           not be supported."

      OBJECT      lmpNbrStorageType
      SYNTAX      INTEGER { other(1) }
      MIN-ACCESS  read-only
          "Only other(1) needs to be supported."

      -- lmpControlChannelTable

      OBJECT      lmpCcAuthentication
      MIN-ACCESS  read-only
          "Write access is not required."

      OBJECT      lmpCcConfigRetransmitInterval

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      MIN-ACCESS  read-only
          "Write access is not required."

      OBJECT      lmpCcConfigRetransmitTimeout
      MIN-ACCESS  read-only
          "Write access is not required."

      OBJECT      lmpCcHelloIntervalMin
      MIN-ACCESS  read-only
          "Write access is not required."

      OBJECT      lmpCcHelloIntervalMax
      MIN-ACCESS  read-only
          "Write access is not required."

      OBJECT      lmpCcHelloDeadIntervalMin
      MIN-ACCESS  read-only
          "Write access is not required."

      OBJECT      lmpCcHelloDeadIntervalMax
      MIN-ACCESS  read-only
          "Write access is not required."

      OBJECT      lmpCcRowStatus
      SYNTAX      INTEGER { active(1), notInService(2),
                            createAndGo(4), destroy(6) }
      MIN-ACCESS  read-only
          "The notReady(3) and createAndWait(5) states need
           not be supported."

      OBJECT      lmpCcOperStatus
      SYNTAX      INTEGER { up(1), down(2) }
      MIN-ACCESS  read-only
          "A value of active(3), configuring(4), goingDown(5)
           need not be supported."

      OBJECT      lmpCcStorageType
      SYNTAX      INTEGER { other(1) }
      MIN-ACCESS  read-only

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          "Only other(1) needs to be supported."

      -- lmpLinkVerificationTable

      OBJECT      lmpVerifyInterval
      MIN-ACCESS  read-only
          "Write access is not required."

      OBJECT      lmpVerifyDeadInterval
      MIN-ACCESS  read-only
          "Write access is not required."

      OBJECT      lmpVerifyAllLinks
      MIN-ACCESS  read-only
          "Write access is not required."

      -- lmpTeLinkTable

      OBJECT      lmpTeLinkNbrNodeId
      MIN-ACCESS  read-only
          "Write access is not required if the link verification
           procedure is enabled."

      OBJECT      lmpRemoteTeLinkId
      MIN-ACCESS  read-only
          "Write access is not required if the link verification
           procedure is enabled."

      OBJECT      lmpRemoteTeLinkType
      MIN-ACCESS  read-only
          "Write access is not required if the link verification
           procedure is enabled."

      OBJECT      lmpTeLinkVerification
      MIN-ACCESS  read-only
          "Write access is not required."

      OBJECT      lmpTeLinkFaultIsolation
      MIN-ACCESS  read-only
          "Write access is not required."

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      OBJECT      lmpTeLinkDwdm
      MIN-ACCESS  read-only
          "Write access is not required."

      OBJECT      lmpTeLinkEncodingType
      MIN-ACCESS  read-only
          "Write access is not required."

      OBJECT      lmpTeLinkBitRate
      MIN-ACCESS  read-only
          "Write access is not required."

      OBJECT      lmpTeLinkWavelength
      MIN-ACCESS  read-only
          "Write access is not required."

      OBJECT      lmpTeLinkOperStatus
      SYNTAX      INTEGER { up(1), down(2), degraded(4) }
      MIN-ACCESS  read-only
          "The testing(3) state need not be supported."

      OBJECT      lmpTeLinkRowStatus
      SYNTAX      INTEGER { active(1), notInService(2),
                            createAndGo(4), destroy(6) }
      MIN-ACCESS  read-only
          "The notReady(3) and createAndWait(5) states need
           not be supported."

      OBJECT      lmpTeLinkStorageType
      SYNTAX      INTEGER { other(1) }
      MIN-ACCESS  read-only
          "Only other(1) needs to be supported."

      -- lmpDataBearingLinkTable

      OBJECT      lmpDataBearingLinkRemoteIfId
      MIN-ACCESS  read-only
          "Write access is not required if the link verification
           procedure is enabled."

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      OBJECT      lmpDataBearingLinkOperStatus
      SYNTAX      INTEGER { up(1), down(2), degraded(4) }
      MIN-ACCESS  read-only
          "A value of testing(3) need not be supported."

      OBJECT      lmpDataBearingLinkRowStatus
      SYNTAX      INTEGER { active(1), notInService(2),
                            createAndGo(4), destroy(6) }
      MIN-ACCESS  read-only
          "The notReady(3) and createAndWait(5) states need
           not be supported."

      OBJECT      lmpDataBearingLinkStorageType
      SYNTAX      INTEGER { other(1) }
      MIN-ACCESS  read-only
          "Only other(1) needs to be supported."

   ::= { lmpCompliances 1 }

-- Units of conformance

   OBJECTS { lmpAdminStatus,
   STATUS  current
          "Collection of objects needed for LMP node configuration."
   ::= { lmpGroups 1 }

lmpControlChannelGroup OBJECT-GROUP

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   STATUS  current
          "Collection of objects needed for LMP interface
   ::= { lmpGroups 2 }

lmpLinkPropertyCorrelationGroup OBJECT-GROUP
   OBJECTS { lmpLinkPropertyMismatchTrapEnable }
   STATUS  current
          "Collection of objects needed to implement the link
           property correlation procedure."
   ::= { lmpGroups 3 }

lmpLinkVerificationGroup OBJECT-GROUP
   OBJECTS { lmpLinkVerificationInterval,
   STATUS  current
          "Collection of objects needed to implement the link
           verification procedure."
   ::= { lmpGroups 4 }

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   OBJECTS { lmpCcHCInOctets,
   STATUS  current
          "Collection of objects needed for providing performance
           information about LMP interfaces and data-bearing links."
   ::= { lmpGroups 5 }

   OBJECTS { lmpTeLinkNbrNodeId,
   STATUS  current
          "Collection of objects needed for TE link configuration."
   ::= { lmpGroups 6 }

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lmpDataBearingLinkGroup OBJECT-GROUP
   OBJECTS { lmpDataBearingLinkType,
   STATUS  current
          "Collection of objects needed for data-bearing link
   ::= { lmpGroups 7 }

lmpNotificationGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP
   NOTIFICATIONS { lmpTeLinkPropertyMismatch,
                   lmpTeLinkDegraded }
   STATUS  current
          "Set of notifications implemented in this module.
           None is mandatory."
   ::= { lmpGroups 8 }

-- End of LMP-MIB

10.  Security Considerations

   It is clear that this MIB is potentially useful for monitoring of LMP
   enabled devices. This MIB can also be used for configuration of cer-
   tain objects, and anything that can be configured can be incorrectly
   configured, with potentially disastrous results.

   At this writing, no security holes have been identified beyond those
   that SNMP Security [SNMPArch] is itself intended to address.  These
   relate to primarily controlled access to sensitive information and
   the ability to configure a device - or which might result from opera-
   tor error, which is beyond the scope of any security architecture.

   There are a number of management objects defined in this MIB which
   have a MAX-ACCESS clause of read-write and/or read-create. Such
   objects may be considered sensitive or vulnerable in some network
   environments. The support for SET operations in a non-secure

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   environment without proper protection can have a negative effect on
   network operations. The use of SNMP Version 3 is recommended over
   prior versions, for configuration control, as its security model is

   SNMPv1 or SNMPv2 are by themselves not a secure environment. Even if
   the network itself is secure (for example by using IPSec [IPSEC]),
   there is no control as to who on the secure network is allowed to
   access and GET/SET (read/change/create/delete) the objects in this
   MIB. It is recommended that the implementers consider the security
   features as provided by the SNMPv3 framework. Specifically, the use
   of the User-based Security Model [SNMPv3USM] and the View-based
   Access Control [SNMPv3VACM] is recommended. It is then a
   customer/user responsibility to ensure that the SNMP entity giving
   access to an instance of this MIB is properly configured to give
   access to the objects only to those principals (users) that have leg-
   itimate rights to indeed GET or SET (change/create/delete) them.

   There are a number of managed objects in this MIB that may contain
   information that may be sensitive from a business perspective, in
   that they represent a customer's interface to the G-MPLS network.
   Allowing uncontrolled access to these objects could result in mali-
   cious and unwanted disruptions of network traffic or incorrect confi-
   gurations for these customers. There are no objects that are particu-
   larly sensitive in their own right, such as passwords or monetary

11.  Acknowledgments

   The general structure of this draft has been modeled around draft-

   The authors wish to thank Dmitry Ryumkin.

12.  References

   [LMP]         Lang, J., Mitra, K., Drake, J., Kompella, K.,
                 Rekhter, Y., Berger, L., Saha, S., Basak, D.,
                 Sandick, H., Zinin, A., and Rajagopalan, B.,
                 "Link Management Protocol", Internet Draft
                 <draft-ietf-mpls-lmp-02.txt>, March 2001.

   [GMPLS]       Ashwood-Smith, P., Banarjee, A., Berger, L.,
                 Bernstein, G., Drake, J., Fan, Y., Kompella, K.,
                 Mannie, E., Lang, J., Rajagopalan, B., Rekhter, Y.,

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Internet Draft                MPLS LMP MIB                  May 22, 2001

                 Saha, D., Sharma, V., Swallow, G., and Tang, Z.,
                 "Generalized MPLS Signaling Function Description",
                 Internet Draft
                 May 2001.

   [BUNDLE]      Kompella, K., Rekhter, Y., and Berger, L.,
                 "Link Bundling in MPLS Traffic Engineering",
                 Internet Draft <draft-kompella-mpls-bundle-05.txt>,
                 February 2001.

   [BUNDLE-MIB]  Dubuc, M., Dharanikota, S. Nadeau, T., Lang, J.,
                 "Link Bundling Management Information Base using
                 Internet Draft <draft-dubuc-mpls-bundle-mib-01.txt>,
                 May 2001.

   [Assigned]    Reynolds, J., and J. Postel, "Assigned Numbers",
                 RFC 1700, October 1994. See also:

   [IANAFamily]  Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA), ADDRESS
                 FAMILY NUMBERS, (http://www.isi.edu/in-
                 for MIB see:

   [SNMPArch]    Harrington, D., Presuhn, R., and B. Wijnen, "An
                 Architecture for Describing SNMP Management
                 Frameworks", RFC 2571, April 1999.

   [SMIv1]       Rose, M., and K. McCloghrie, "Structure and
                 Identification of Management Information for TCP/IP-
                 based Internets", RFC 1155, May 1990.

   [SNMPv1MIBDef]Rose, M., and K. McCloghrie, "Concise MIB
                 Definitions", RFC 1212, March 1991.

   [SNMPv1Traps] M. Rose, "A Convention for Defining Traps for use
                 with the SNMP", RFC 1215, March 1991.

   [RFC2572]     Case, J., Harrington D., Presuhn R., and B. Wijnen,
                 "Message Processing and Dispatching for the Simple
                 Network Management Protocol (SNMP)", RFC 2572,
                 April 1999.

   [RFC2574]     Blumenthal, U., and B. Wijnen, "User-based Security

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Internet Draft                MPLS LMP MIB                  May 22, 2001

                 Model (USM) for version 3 of the Simple Network
                 Management Protocol (SNMPv3)", RFC 2574, April

   [RFC1905]     Case, J., McCloghrie, K., Rose, M., and S.
                 Waldbusser, "Protocol Operations for Version 2 of
                 the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMPv2)",
                 RFC 1905, January 1996.

   [RFC2573]     Levi, D., Meyer, P., and B. Stewart, "SNMPv3
                 Applications", RFC 2573, April 1999.

   [RFC2575]     Wijnen, B., Presuhn, R., and K. McCloghrie, "View-
                 based Access Control Model (VACM) for the Simple
                 Network Management Protocol (SNMP)", RFC 2575,
                 April 1999.

   [RFC2570]     Case, J., Mundy, R., Partain, D., and B. Stewart,
                 "Introduction to Version 3 of the Internet-standard
                 Network Management Framework", RFC 2570, April

   [SMIv2]       McCloghrie, K., Perkins, D., Schoenwaelder, J.,
                 Case, J., Rose, M., and S. Waldbusser,
                 "Structure of Management Information
                 Version 2 (SMIv2)", RFC 2578, April 1999.

   [SNMPv2TC]    McCloghrie, K., Perkins, D., Schoenwaelder, J.,
                 Case, J., Rose, M., and S. Waldbusser,
                 "Textual Conventions for SMIv2",
                 RFC 2579, April 1999.

   [SNMPv2Conf]  McCloghrie, K., Perkins, D., Schoenwaelder, J.,
                 Case, J., Rose, M., and S. Waldbusser,
                 "Conformance Statements for SMIv2",
                 RFC 2580, April 1999.

   [SNMPv1]      Case, J., Fedor, M., Schoffstall, M., and J. Davin,
                 "Simple Network Management Protocol", RFC 1157, May

   [SNMPv2c]     Case, J., McCloghrie, K., Rose, M., and S.
                 Waldbusser, "Introduction to Community-based
                 SNMPv2", RFC 1901, January 1996.

   [SNMPv2TM]    Case, J., McCloghrie, K., Rose, M., and S.
                 Waldbusser, "Transport Mappings for Version 2 of
                 the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMPv2)",

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                 RFC 1906, January 1996.

   [SNMPv3MP]    Case, J., Harrington D., Presuhn R., and B. Wijnen,
                 "Message Processing and Dispatching for the Simple
                 Network Management Protocol (SNMP)", RFC 2272,
                 January 1998.

   [SNMPv3USM]   Blumenthal, U., and B. Wijnen, "User-based Security
                 Model (USM) for version 3 of the Simple Network
                 Management Protocol (SNMPv3)", RFC 2574, April

   [SNMPv2PO]    Case, J., McCloghrie, K., Rose, M., and S.
                 Waldbusser, "Protocol Operations for Version 2 of
                 the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMPv2)",
                 RFC 1905, January 1996.

   [SNMPv3App]   Levi, D., Meyer, P., and B. Stewart, "SNMPv3
                 Applications", RFC 2273, January 1998.

   [SNMPv3VACM]  Wijnen, B., Presuhn, R., and K. McCloghrie, "View-
                 based Access Control Model (VACM) for the Simple
                 Network Management Protocol (SNMP)", RFC 2575,
                 April 1999.

   [IPSEC]       Kent, S., and Atkinson, R., "Security Architecture
                 for the Internet Protocol", RFC 2401, November

   [IFMIB]       McCloghrie, K., and Kastenholtz, F., "The Interfaces
                 Group MIB", RFC 2863, June 2000.

   [BCP14]       Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
                 Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, March 1997.

13.  Authors' Addresses

Martin Dubuc                         Jonathan P. Lang
edgeflow, Inc.                       Calient Networks, Inc.
329 March Rd.                        25 Castilian Drive
Kanata, ON, CANADA K2K 2E1           Goleta, CA 93117
Phone: +1-613-270-9279 x253          Email: jplang@calient.net
Email: martin.dubuc@edgeflow.com

Sudheer Dharanikota                  Evan McGinnis
Nayna Networks, Inc.                 Calient Networks, Inc.

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Internet Draft                MPLS LMP MIB                  May 22, 2001

157 Topaz Street                     5853 Rue Ferrari
Milipitas, CA 95035                  San Jose, CA 95138
Phone: +1-408-956-8000 x357          Email: evan@calient.net
Email: sudheer@nayna.com

Thomas D. Nadeau
Cisco Systems, Inc.
300 Apollo Drive
Chelmsford, MA 01824
Phone: +1-978-244-3051
Email: tnadeau@cisco.com

14.  Full Copyright Statement

   Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2000). All Rights Reserved.

   This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to
   others, and derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it
   or assist in its implementation may be prepared, copied, published
   and distributed, in whole or in part, without restriction of any
   kind, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are
   included on all such copies and derivative works. However, this docu-
   ment itself may not be modified in any way, such as by removing the
   copyright notice or references to the Internet Society or other
   Internet organizations, except as needed for the purpose of develop-
   ing Internet standards in which case the procedures for copyrights
   defined in the Internet Standards process must be followed, or as
   required to translate it into languages other than English.

   The limited permissions granted above are perpetual and will not be
   revoked by the Internet Society or its successors or assigns.  This
   document and the information contained herein is provided on an "AS

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