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RE: Re: GMPLS Last Calls


>However, any attempt to say "I work for such-and-and company, hence
>you should listen to me", or "I speak for such-and-such company as
>a whole" goes in my bitbucket -- in Randy's words, "is irrelevant".
>If a suggestion or argument cannot stand on its own, throwing the
>weight of one's company's name behind it won't help hold it up.  I
>am sure that that was not the intent in the email that started this
>thread, but invoking company names raises doubts.

I don't know if this email was intended for me or for "anonymous".  
Would like to reiterate that it was not my intention to "throw the 
weight of my company's name" (as you've correctly pointed out).  
Unfortunately, the group of individuals that I work with that 
contributed to my email are not very familiar with the "IETF culture" 
and would rather see the company name being quoted (as they see in the 
standards fora that they go to).  I am hoping that the innocent 
misdemeanor of quoting my company's name be ignored (far too much has 
been said on this already).  We're thankful to the few folks who have 
continued the technical discussion in spite of all the entertainment 
that's floating around, and will concentrate on addressing those 
technical comments/questions.
