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Re: Proposed Addition to CCAMP Charter

>     It was rather pointedly implied by Bert's comment in which he
> said - "(that is if LMP is still also a WG charter item by then)".
> Admittedly, this could mean that the group (also known as 'them'*)
> is thinking that LMP would be a charter item in no WG at all.  

Bert made no mention of any other working group

just to be clear nothing in this or any of Bert's messages makes any
value judgements about LMP or an LMP MIB - 

IETF working group charters specify what a working group is to work on -
if a topic is not in the charter then it can not be a formal WG task

changes to IETF WG charetrs are worked out between teh WG chairs
and the ADs (and in this case TA) - if the ADs are convinced then they
will take the proposed changes to the IESG.  The IESG (with advice from the
IAB) must approve all changes to charters.  Note that the IESG is generally
reluctant to add work to a WG charter until the WG has shown that it
can get work done.
