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RE: GMPLS Last Calls

Title: RE: GMPLS Last Calls

Ananth, Kireeti

I have followed this thread and think that there is something more
fundamental going on here. The last call for RFC is a milestone for
any draft. The issue is that GMPLS is so large the only way we can
tackle it is to have interim RFCs that begin to point the way to
solving the problem. I don't view them as all encompassing
specifications just a step in the right direction towards common

One thing that I would have hoped we would achieve with GMPLS was a
forward looking architecture that could be extended. The immediate
question we must answer is: Have we provided this?

The longer term question is:
Will we follow through and cover the other aspects? When will the
set of GMPLS RFCs become complete? For that we have to stay tuned.
