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RE: Diversity of Routes Doubt


I am not sure CCAMP is the right email list to discuss
OIF UNI specific attributes/object. I will respond here, 
but we can take it off-line or to oif-signal@oiforum.com 
if needed.

>  -----Original Message-----
>  From: manoj juneja [mailto:manojkumarjuneja@hotmail.com]
>  Sent: Friday, June 22, 2001 4:43 PM
>  To: ccamp@ops.ietf.org
>  Subject: Diversity of Routes Doubt
>  Hi All,
>            The OIF-UNI draft contains diversity sub-object (part of
>  Generalized UNI Attribute object). There is no such object in GMPLS
>  drafts. In a typical scenario, where one O-UNI request has to be
>  converted/translated/mapped to one GMPLS (NNI) request, how to
>  interpret/translate the diversity TLV/object ?

The UNI diversity subobject includes a connection identifier and
the diversity requirement, e.g. node, link, etc.  The first
switch (ONE) should use the connection identifier to find out 
the path (links and nodes) of the identified connection and 
then use it to compute ERO that would diverse from the nodes,
links, or SRLG.

>  Is it the responsibility of network manager to offline calculate the
>  ERO (and pass in the path message from the edge/ingress ONE) which
>  statisfies the diverstiy of the route desired by the client

I don't think this can be done offline, since it changes
according to which connection you want to diversify from.
But it can be done by either centralized or distributed 
computation, and precomputation might be possible.

>  equipment ? Does this mean the usage of strict routes in ERO ?
>  Should we be having the diversity object in GMPLS drafts also ?

Use of strict route in ERO is probably the simplest and common
approach in single domain. Using loose route ERO is possible
but could be more complicate. This may come into GMPLS/OIF NNI 
if diversity across multiple domain becomes a requirement. 
We don't have this requirement yet, so there is no need to introduce 
it into GMPLS yet.


>  Please clarify my doubt.
>  Regards,
>  manoj.
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