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Re: Optical impairments in draft-ietf-mpls-generalized-signaling-04

                    I  understand  your  point and may be I haven't express well
I'm thinking about an All Optical network with limited lambda conversion (in the
sense  that not all the PXC are lambda conversion capable) which is too large to
ensure that all potential routes have adequate Q at the end node.
In  this  scenario I must know, in order to plan a route that assures sufficient
Q,  not  only  if  a  node is lambda conversion capable but also in which way it
performs lambda conversion.
I mean if conversion is done by OEO operated by classical transponder I have not
to  worry  about  performance  penalties  (in fact I have 3R regeneration of the
signal) but if it is done in the optical domain (e.g. with Semiconductor Optical
Amplifier) I have to consider the loss introduced by this kind of conversion.

Suppose I have the following network scenario:


A  and  E  are source and destination node for a lightpath.  Suppose that due to
optical  impairments I have to regenerate electrically the signal between node C
and  D I choose node C in order to have better Q at the receiver, then at node D
due  to  lambda unavailability I have to do WC but node D is able to do only OEO
conversion so I have two consecutive OEO conversion while just one is necessary.

On  the  other  hand if I have sufficient budget to cover the whole path without
taking  into  account the penalties due to SOA lambda conversion if I do WC with
SOA I risk to degrade too much the signal.

Summarizing  what  I  would  like  to  say  about  WC  is  that  it implies some
considerations on routing:
If I do OEO WC I restart the penalties counting
If I do optical WC I have to add penalties to the routing calculation.

This from my point of view impacts the way I calculate a route.

Thus  lambda  availability and signal degradation calculation must be taken into
account together, either during the routing or the signaling or both.

Diego Caviglia
Photonic Networks Design and Modeling
E-mail: diego.caviglia@marconi.com
Tel: +39 (0) 10 6003 808
Via A. Negrone 1A 16153 Genoa (Italy)

Yangguang Xu <xuyg@lucent.com> on 26/06/2001 15.13.16

 To:      Diego Caviglia/MAIN/MC1@MCMAIN                      
 cc:      Ayan Banerjee <abanerjee@calient.net>,              
          ccamp@ops.ietf.org, Giovanni                        
 Subject: Re: Optical impairments in                          


As indicated by the document that Ayan pointed to you, there are many constrains
for the optical networking. These constrains can be considered at network
planning time, path selection time (routing using OSPF-TE/ISIS-TE) or connection
setup time(GMPLS signaling). When a constrain is considered is an engineering
issue. We just have to figure out when and where is the best and cheapest to
consider a constrain. To wavelength conversion, GMPLS signaling is a good place
to handle.



Diego Caviglia wrote:
> Ayan,
>           Thanks for your answer but I don't understand why lambda conversion
> a  signalling  problem and thus is covered in generalized signalling draft
> others  optical  impairments  are  routing problem and are covered in a
> document.
> Moreover  even  if the document you quoted is a well written and very useful
> it  is  an  informative  contribution  that  simply  points  out  the
> impairments  of  an  all  optical  network.  It doesn't propose any extension
> OSPF/IS-IS in order to support optical routing.
> Given  that  in  an  All  Optical  Network  we  have  to  cope  with lots of
> information,  as  you  stated  in  your document, are we sure that OSPF, in
> environment, scales?
> I  mean if it doesn't scale for wavelength availability information
> why it has to scales for other optical impairment distribution?
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> Diego Caviglia
> Photonic Networks Design and Modelling
> E-mail: diego.caviglia@marconi.com
> Tel: +39 (0) 10 6003 808
> Via A. Negrone 1A 16153 Genoa (Italy)
> http://www.marconi.com
> Ayan Banerjee <abanerjee@calient.net> on 25/06/2001 22.26.02
>  To:      Diego Caviglia/MAIN/MC1@MCMAIN,
>           petera@nortelnetworks.con, ccamp@ops.ietf.org
>  cc:      Giovanni Fiaschi/MAIN/MC1@MCMAIN
>  Subject: RE: Optical impairments in
>           draft-ietf-mpls-generalized-signaling-  04
> Diego,
> Please see draft-ietf-ipo-impairments-00.txt for optical constraints.
> Thanks,
> Ayan
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Diego Caviglia [mailto:Diego.Caviglia@marconi.com]
> Sent: Monday, June 25, 2001 6:19 AM
> To: petera@nortelnetworks.con; ccamp@ops.ietf.org
> Cc: Giovanni Fiaschi
> Subject: Optical impairments in draft-ietf-mpls-generalized-signaling-04
> Peter ,all,
>            a  comment  about  draft-ietf-mpls-generalized-signaling-04.  In
> the
> draft  there is the label set object that is very useful in All optical
> networks
> with  CI-incapable  nodes  but  lambda  conversion  is  only one of the
> problems
> related  to  path  establishment  in  such networks.  I mean what about OSNR
> and
> non-linear  impairments? What about gain variation and power equalization?
> Where
> are covered these topic?
> If  I  can  find  a  path  feasible from the lambda continuity point of view
> who
> assure me that I have the needed Q at the end of the all optical path?
> Best regards.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> Diego Caviglia
> Photonic Networks Design and Modelling
> E-mail: diego.caviglia@marconi.com
> Tel: +39 (0) 10 6003 808
> Via A. Negrone 1A 16153 Genoa (Italy)
> http://www.marconi.com