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RE: Optical impairments in draft-ietf-mpls-generalized-signaling- 04


At the last IETF we did present the following draft : 
draft-banerjee-routing-impairments-00.txt, which proposed 
minimal extensions to the OSPF/ISIS routing protocols. 

It was decided that the IPO group would enhance the draft: 
draft-chiu-strand-unique-olcp-02.txt with the requirements
for all optical routing and only then extensions to the 
routing protocols were to be submitted to the CCAMP WG. 


-----Original Message-----
From: Diego Caviglia [mailto:Diego.Caviglia@marconi.com]
Sent: Tuesday, June 26, 2001 2:27 AM
To: Ayan Banerjee
Cc: petera@nortelnetworks.con; ccamp@ops.ietf.org; Giovanni Fiaschi
Subject: RE: Optical impairments in
draft-ietf-mpls-generalized-signaling- 04


          Thanks for your answer but I don't understand why lambda
conversion is
a  signalling  problem and thus is covered in generalized signalling draft
others  optical  impairments  are  routing problem and are covered in a

Moreover  even  if the document you quoted is a well written and very useful
it  is  an  informative  contribution  that  simply  points  out  the
impairments  of  an  all  optical  network.  It doesn't propose any
extension to
OSPF/IS-IS in order to support optical routing.

Given  that  in  an  All  Optical  Network  we  have  to  cope  with lots of
information,  as  you  stated  in  your document, are we sure that OSPF, in
environment, scales?

I  mean if it doesn't scale for wavelength availability information
why it has to scales for other optical impairment distribution?

Diego Caviglia
Photonic Networks Design and Modelling
E-mail: diego.caviglia@marconi.com
Tel: +39 (0) 10 6003 808
Via A. Negrone 1A 16153 Genoa (Italy)

Ayan Banerjee <abanerjee@calient.net> on 25/06/2001 22.26.02



 To:      Diego Caviglia/MAIN/MC1@MCMAIN,                     
          petera@nortelnetworks.con, ccamp@ops.ietf.org       
 cc:      Giovanni Fiaschi/MAIN/MC1@MCMAIN                    
 Subject: RE: Optical impairments in                          
          draft-ietf-mpls-generalized-signaling-  04