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AW: CCAMP minutes

I think Maartens comment on concatenation conversion is stated wrong.
He said that concatenation converion is a standard feature (defined in G.707 and G.783) and that we should first focus on support for standard features before defining support for proprietary features. So put it in.


> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
> Von: Kireeti Kompella [mailto:kireeti@juniper.net]
> Gesendet: Mittwoch, 8. August 2001 18:14
> An: ccamp@ops.ietf.org
> Betreff: CCAMP minutes
> Many thanks to Sudheer for his detailed minutes and to Ed for his
> colorful minutes (pity I can't publish them unexpurgated).  Between
> the two, we have excellent coverage.
> The following is mostly from Sudheer, with comments from Ed prefaced
> by "EK:"  My own comments in [].  The minutes are reproduced almost
> as is.  Note that the numbers when asking for consensus, while
> faithfully reported, are *not* in themselves significant.  The goal
> is rough consensus, not a majority.
> Kireeti.
> -------
> CCAMP Minutes:
> Milestones:
> To dos:
> -       Make framework as working group document
> -       What to do about or extend the working group for
> o       Inter-AS signaling
> o       Optical VPNs
> o       G.709
> o       Measurement (routing, LMP, OLI, ?)
> o       MIBs
> o       Security (new design team)
> Charter & draft updates:
> Routing drafts are broken as "common" and "Protocol-specific"
> ISIS will be dealt in the ISIS working group
> OSPF will be dealt in the CCAMP working group
> (EK: (mike goes dead, we can thankfully no longer hear 
> kireeti babble))
> Protection and restoration - ?
> Hierarchical (multi-area) TE drafts
> -       Where will the protocol work be done?
> o       Wei - Can decide after the TE WG.
> (EK: kireeti says protocol work belongs in ccamp; te-wg chairs agree.)
> Update from the DT:
> No presentation made.
> GMPLS update (Lou):
> (Generalized-signaling, RSVP-TE, CR-LDP)
> Changes:
> -       More on the technology specific is separated and 
> covered in length
> -       SONET/SDH is moved out to be included in another draft
> -       Issued joint CCAMP and MPLS WG last calls
> Detailed changes:
> -       Technical error in LDP (?)
> -       Re-introduced Switching type in the G-PID
> o       To support multiple switching types on the same interface
> -       Administrative status information TLV is added
> o       To support state of the LSP (in Path/RESV) and
> o       To notify the status of an LSP otherwise
> -       Changes made in the scope of "control channel separation"
> o       Identification of data channels when the channel is 
> not uniquely
> 	identified by control channel
> o       Handling of control channel failures that do not impact data
> 	channels
> Next changes:
> -       Need more comments
> -       Ask IANA assignment for CR-LDP and RSVP-TE related information
> -       Some issues resolved
> o       Missing timeout
> o       Minor changes to
> o       G-PID change to avoid duplicity for SONET (?)
> (EK: kireeti cant run powerpoint to save himself.)
> Discussion:
> 3 weeks from today [i.e., by August 27] will close on the comments and
> move forward.
> SONET/SDH (Eric):
> -       This is the separated document from GMPLS signaling 
> draft specific to
> -       Flexible concatenation is NOT part of this document
> -       Mostly editorial, re-organizing, correctness etc.
> -       Appendices are provided for different implementation 
> mechanisms
> 	supported using this draft
> -       Other modifications
> o       Improve the interoperability
> o       Etc.
> -       Targeted for informational RFC [not this doc, the new 
> doc, see below]
> -       Move for IANA assignment
> -       Which appendices to be moved
> o       Contiguous concatenation
> o       Transparency (per byte)
> o       Virtual concatenation
> o       Signaling for non-std concatenation
> o       Appendix 1: Explained
> Discussion:
> Comment:
> (EK: comment on if certain part should be on standards track 
> or information)
> [Clarification: the appendices that refer to items that are non-ITU-T
> standards get moved to another *informational* document.]
> Concatenation conversion (Eric):
> Problem:
> -       To avoid wastage of timeslots due to different 
> concatenation mechanisms
> Solution:
> -       SDH/SONET "Virtual Concatenation"
> 	Proposed a contiguous concatenation (C) to virtual concatenation
> 	(V) conversion mechanism and extensions
> -       Realize ingress and egress aggregator
> -       Advertise the converting nodes using routing protocols
> -       Use signaling protocols to use this information to 
> setup the path
> Signaling:
> -       C->V is performed at the first converter and V->C is 
> performed at
> 	the end converter (before the destination)
> -       5 possible concatenation mechanisms can be negotiated
> o       CC e-to-e
> o       CC->VC
> o       VC->CC
> o       VC e-to-e
> o       ?	[CC->VC->CC]
> Discussion:
> o       Are there such converters available?
> o       Eric says at least two vendors have. He sees this 
> evolving more
> 	and more.
> o       How many see this as useful function? - 10-15	(EK: 10)
> o       How many think this is should be done here? - 10
> o       How many think this makes sense? - 5 (EK: 8)
> o       How many think this does not make sense? - 2 (EK: 3)
> o       Why not in IPO?
> o       These are signaling extensions.
> o       Technology specific things should be in their 
> respective groups
> 	CCAMP is working on GMPLS
> o       What about VCs taking different paths?
> o       This does not include such paths
> o       (Marteen) This is a non-standard feature support. Why 
> not also look
> 	at supporting standard mechanism using GMPLS? This is 
> part of the
> 	transport network -- put it in.
> Conclusion:
> -       WG chair's inclination is to make this as a WG draft. 
> But since not
> 	many people understand these concepts let us take this to the
> 	mailing list before the decision.
> G 709 (Dimitri): - Fontana-ccamp-gmpls-g709
> What?
> -       Propose GMPLS based control plane for G709
> -       ITU-T G709 is getting standardized at ITU. Lets work 
> on the control
> 	plane for it.
> Why?
> -       G709 is a tera-bit tech for the future
> -       GMPLS solves the signaling mechanisms to control such 
> a technology
> Changes:
> -       G709 OTN is independent of the control plane
> -       GMPLS provides all the hooks without major paradigm shift
> Propose a new G709 drafts similar to SONET draft
> This is only about signaling extensions
> Routing extensions for G709 are under consideration
> Changes:
> -       Document name has changed
> -       Encoding type
> -       Signaling type
> -       GPID value list
> -       ..
> Further changes
> -       Move features not covered by G709 in a dedicated draft
> -       OOS field description to be completed in appendix
> -       RMT/RNC to be adopted in RMT/RNC and RVC field
> Conclusions:
> -       Propose to be working group document
> -       Features not in the document to be moved to extensions --
> 	Kireeti - This should be driven more by what is in the 
> ITU G709 document.
> 	(EK: kireeti says that its not a vote; if its in g709 
> it should be in
> 	the document.)
> 	[KK: Clarification: stuff that is not standardized by the ITU
> 	should be moved to another document.]
> Decision - Consensus in the room is to adopt as a WG 
> document. But will be
> taken to the mailing list before the final decision.
> (EK: majority think this should be a wg document and that the
> signalling part belongs here.)
> GMPLS TE MIB (Adrian)
> Existing TE MIB (which is in the final stages in MPLS WG) is 
> only for MPLS.
> (EK: clarification this is the mpls te mib)
> GMPLS extensions are provided in this draft.
> This effort should not impede MPLS TE MIB progress.
> This should belong in CCAMP.
> Lot of interest on this work (by implementers, operators etc.)
> Work includes TE and LSR MIBs for GMPLS
> Updates will be provided next month
> Make this CCAMP WG document
> Discussion:
> (AD) Bert: Make a MIB framework document with the gamut of MIBs to put
> them in perspective. Make sure that there will not be an 
> overlap in these MIBs.
> Decision - Wait for the overview draft.
> (EK: bert before you extend or build on mpls mib document 
> best to let that
> document go through iesg last call so that it stabilizes 
> before you extend
> it. kireeti should we not make it a wg document until mplste mib
> settles...bert yes.)
> GMPLS Architecture draft (Eric)
> Was accepted as a CCAMP WG document
> Gives GMPLS overview and provides how the building blocks are glued.
> Changes:
> -       TOC, open issues, L2SC added etc.
> -       Many changes including scope of UNI, GASTN/GASON in the GMPLS
> 	context
> Proposed sections:
> -       G709
> -       OLI
> -       Protection and restoration
> o       UPTO THIS IS IN THE CHARTER - What is below will be on
> 	consensus from the DT and further discussion.
> -       Multicast
> -       Inter-area TE
> -       Inter-domain
> -       VPN (OVPN) section
> -       Etc..
> Discussion:
> -       (Jim Luciani) Make sure there will be no overlap on 
> ASON work in the
> IPO group. - OK
> (EK: lots of overlap with work thats being done elsewhere and 
> work with
> person doing req documents from cienna on interarea work.)
> -       (Marteen) Wait for the ITU to come on consensus on 
> OTN and Protection
> -       Make ASON relationship clarified in this document in 
> terms of scope.
> -       Kireeti: Track what OIF and ITU work is being done. 
> But we need to
> 	work on the signaling part should be done at CCAMP to 
> move the work.
> -       No consensus on the draft status
> [Editor to remove out-of-scope subjects.  Draft status is "close to WG
> Last Call".]
> Framework document (Yongwang Xu):
> -       Control plane is discussed from different perspectives
> -       What are the fundamental changes betn pkt and ckt 
> based network ctrl
> 	plane design
> -       NW layering -- based on tech, BW mismatch, cost etc
> -       NW partitioning -- administrative (tech, geo, oper reasons)
> -       Overall -- reduce the tools to a common integrated 
> control plane
> Propose:
> -       Make this a WG document
> Discussion:
> -       Greg: How is this different from what is being done 
> in IPO? - More
> number of authors and carriers
> -       Eric:
> -       ?: What about reliability of the control plane and 
> bandwidth broker? --
> 	Kireeti: Bandwidth broker is not in the charter. 
> Reliability of the
> 	control plane will be discussed only after what is to 
> be done is clear.
> Consensus: Will take to the mailing list with the assumption 
> that people are
> not sure.
> (EK: kireeti: how many think we need gmpls framework document about 10
> against 5.)
> Framework on GMPLS based CP for SONET/SDH networks (Greg):
> -       Asked by many people to explain what are the problems 
> with SONET using
> Discussion:
> -       Kireeti: Will be a WG document as informational.
> LMP changes (Jonathan) -- Draft-ietf-ccamp-lmp-00.txt
> -       Remove CCId from TE link related messages
> -       Modified the LMP common header to include
> o       CCId specific messages
> o       The TE link Id for specific msgs
> -       Removed ChFailNack
> -       Removed LMPCapabilities TLV
> -       Next steps:
> o       Remove link MUX type
> o       Add on graceful restart procedures
> Discussion:
> -       Why ChFailNack removed? -- Always the upstream node 
> worries about it.
> 	So we can remove this msg without loss of info.
> -       What about tech specific mechanisms (for e.g., as 
> specified by the
> 	OIF UNI for in band)? -- Since this involves protocol specific
> 	extensions, make a specific document.
> -       How many are implementing? -- 10 (EK: 15)
> -       How many carriers are interested in putting in the 
> lab? -- None (EK: 5)
> -       How many think after the next rev there should a last 
> call? -- 4
> 	Wait for the next update and see if it is stable.
> -       Moved Link Summary retransmit values ...
> -       TE link table uses if id
> Discussion:
> -       Will this be a WG draft? -- Accept as a WG draft
> (EK: does this have to wait for mplste mib to move 
> forward...kireeti views it
> as being 95% independant from the other mib so is available 
> to move forward.
> kireeti takes poll on if it should be wg document...20 for 
> zero against.)
> -       Request: Send the dependency to the other TE components to the
> 	mailing list
> OLI (Andre)
> -       Main objectives
> o       Enhanced fault detection/recovery for transparent optical XCs
> ?       PXCs have limited detection mechanisms unlike SONET
> equipment
> o       Enhanced discovery of link characteristics for 
> optical networks in
> general
> ?       Reduce manual errors in configuring
> o       General requirements
> ?       Simple protocol to report health
> ?       Defined parameters
> ?       Extensible to future techs like G709
> ?       Reliable
> ?       Secure
> ?       No assumption on 1:1 relation between client and server
> -       Requirements
> o       Neighbor discovery
> o       Control Channel Management
> o       OLI synchronization
> o       Connectivity discovery
> o       Fault management
> o       Property discovery
> Discussion:
> -       Angela: Is this required to run only OOB? -- Not necessarily.
> 	Could be used for opaque.
> o       Neighbor disc should be coordinated?  - That was the intention
> -       Sham: Why this in IETF? -- Rough consensus to work in IETF.
> 	This is because this work falls under measurement part of CCMP.
> (EK: question: why should this work be done in ietf,no ip 
> involved.....because
> it has an ip control plane thats why. randy: iesg goes around
> seriously..its here not because ip transport is being used to 
> control the
> device, but that its carrying ip traffic.... 
> kireeti: not enough that they are IP
> protocols but that they grow IP networks everywhere. hands on 
> if we should
> be working on this or not..about 40 hands for 15 against.)
> -       Added auto-discovery
> -       Reliable transport -- TCP - X
> -       Simple -- Assymetric relationship - ???
> -       CC Maintenance -- Keep alive
> -       Auto-dsc -- Supported
> -       Fault notification -- Supported
> -       Trace monitoring -- Supported
> -       Resynchronization -- Supported - X
> -       Fast notification -- Supported - X
> -       Issues with LMP-DWDM
> o       Assumes LMP exists
> o       Employs
> Discussion:
> -       Vijay: To have less new code in a box, I prefer LMP-DWDM.
> -       WG chairs: Move with LMP-DWDM if we move forward (i.e., if we
> 	are not stepping on ITU foot.)
> -       Osama: What is the procedure to follow up this 
> formally with ITU.
> o       Randy: We have a formal channels
> (EK: kireeti: needs duedilligence that we
> will move forward with lmpdwdm if we move forward with 
> anything because the
> itu work might cover it making it not necessary to do this 
> work at all.
> question? how do we make sure this isnt work they are doing
> randy: we have formal channels in place to ask the itu.
> question: formal channels are in place...comment that it
> doesnt get used
> enough, more common that liason statements are used. randy: 
> there are many
> other channels being used far more frequently then liason 
> papers so nothing
> more formal or other channel is necessary0
> Tunnel trace protocol:
> -       Protocol is completely stateless
> -       Refined PIO and TIO
> -       ?
> -       Issues:
> o       Works only for tunnels that have TTL expiration
> o       GTTP should support MTU discovery
> Discussion:
> -       Consensus that this is a required concept.
> -       No consensus that this should a WG draft.
> -       Will be discussed on the mailing list.
> (EK: kireeti: useful document? 20 yes zero no...is this 
> document useful
> should this be a wg document 6 yes zero no.)