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RE: update GMPLS signaling documents


I'm interested to know the rationale behind the two new flags introduced to
the Admin Status object in draft-ietf-mpls-generalized-signaling-06.
Unfortunately I can't seem to find any comments relating to them in the
CCAMP or MPLS mailing lists.

Is there any chance you could either point me to the appropriate mails or
let me know what the relevant comments were (for example, if they were
private emails or phone comments)?

Thanks very much,

Edward Harrison  mailto:eph@dataconnection.com
Network Convergence Group
Data Connection Ltd.
Tel: +44 20 8366 1177  Fax: +44 20 8363 1468

-----Original Message-----
From: Lou Berger [mailto:lberger@movaz.com]
Sent: 01 October 2001 07:48
To: ccamp@ops.ietf.org
Subject: update GMPLS signaling documents


Updated versions of the signaling and RSVP-TE documents have been 
submitted. The CR-LDP version is forthcoming.  The updates address comments 
received during the August meeting and comment period.

Here's a summary of changes:

Changes from previous version:
o Removed redundant encoding type
o Revised Admin Status Usage (per comments and also removed potential race 
condition) o Clarified text related to interface bundling (To be consistent 
with updated bundling draft.)
o Minor editorial changes and clarifications
o Revised G-PID (per comments on list)

Changes from previous version:
o Revised Admin Status Usage (per comments and also removed potential race 
o Clarified text related to interface bundling (To be consistent with 
updated bundling draft.)
o Added IF_ID ERROR_SPEC Object (Per comments, supports Control Channel 
Separation by allowing identification of errored interface.)
o Added U bit to Label RRO subobject (Per comment, to match defined ERO.)
o Clarified usage of Restart_Cap o Replaced use of Suggested_Label during 
recovery with new Recovery_Label (Per last WG session)
o Added IANA Considerations
o Minor editorial changes and clarifications

For those who don't want to wait, the drafts are available from:
