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Re: CCAMP WG action items


> Yakov> I'd like to understand the *practical* benefits that GTTP would bring
> Yakov> to the  operators *above and beyond*  of what is  already provided by
> Yakov> draft-bonica-icmp-mpls-03.txt  (or   could  be  trivially   added  to
> Yakov> draft-bonica-icmp-mpls-03.txt).  
> I  think  GTTP  adds  the  following  functions  that  are  not  present  in
> draft-bonica-icmp-mpls: 
> - the ability to discover and  trace through nested tunnels, even if the TTL
>   is not percolated through the stack;
> - the ability to trace through a  nested tunnel even if interior LSRs of the
>   tunnel have no route to the management station. 
> Do you think these functions offer practical benefits? 

While I may have an opinion on whether these functions offer any
practical benefits, from my point of view it would be more important
to get the opinion of the folks who actually use this in the
operational environment.

With this in mind, I'd like to hear comments from the folks *who
have operational experience* with MPLS on whether the functions
you mentioned above offer practical benefits.
