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Re: Moving right along ... Switching Type

George, all,

I think the proposed rewording solves the issue of layering raised
by Maarten (concerning the ASON/ASTN model), while clearly preserving 
the current proposal concerning ST field usage. If this is accepted 
an additional statement (as proposed) would be added in the Sonet/SDH 
I-D where the the corresponding traffic-parameters are defined.

Moreover, such proposal can be extended when only one switching type
is supported (as clarified by John).

- dimitri.

George Swallow wrote:
> > > Wouldn't be the right way to proceed by defining an "unknown"
> > > or "unspecified" value used when "traffic-parameters" are
> > > included within the Path Message and optional use the ones
> > > proposed in the current version of the specification when they
> > > aren't. This field is thus optional and MUST only be used when
> "MUST only" seems a bit strong.  I don't see why one should have to
> reject a Sonet connection that had a Switching Type of TDM.
> Perhaps "only MUST"  was the intent.
> I think the actual wording should be something to the effect,
> When the switching type is implied traffic-parameters the Switching
> Type field is ignored.  The Switching Type field SHOULD be set to
> either the implied value or to UNKNOWN.  When the switching type is
> not implied by the traffic-parameters it MUST be set to one of the
> values [pointer to appropriate list] other than the value UNKNOWN.
> The definition of the traffic parameters of Sonet should also carry a
> note that the ST of TDM is implied.
> ...George
> > > traffic parameters are not defined. I think this solves both
> > > approaches.
> >
> > Agreed.
> ==================================================================
> George Swallow       Cisco Systems                   (978) 244-8143
>                      250 Apollo Drive
>                      Chelmsford, Ma 01824
n:Dimitri;Papadimitriou Dimitri
tel;home:+32 2 3434361
tel;work:+32 3 2408491
org:Alcatel Bell;IPO NA (NSG) - Antwerpen 
title:Optical Networking R&S - Senior Engineer
adr;quoted-printable:;;Francis Wellesplein, 1=0D=0AB-2018 Antwerpen;;;;BELGIUM
fn:Papadimitriou Dimitri