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RE: Comments on LMP

  Thanks for the comments.  Please see responses inline.


>-----Original Message-----
>From: Baktha Muralidharan [mailto:muralidb@cisco.com]
>Sent: Tuesday, November 20, 2001 11:22 AM
>To: ccamp@ops.ietf.org
>Subject: Comments on LMP
>         Please find attached my comments; Beside the few I list
immediately below, I
>      have embedded most of my comments in the document, to make it easier
to read.
>        My comments are prefixed BM>
>1. Remove all references to TLVs. We have changed over to Objects.

>2. Draft requires that link summary be sent periodically until an ack/nack
or timeout.
>    Whenever a link summary is sent, the expected outcomes are either a
timeout or an
>    ack/nack, isn't it?
>    It is not clear then as to whether we recommend that the "periodic
transmission of
>    link summary" to be stopped upon a timeout. If that is not what we are
>    i.e. we are recommending sending of link summary regardless of whether
we get a 
>    response or not, the above statement is unnecessary and I believe is
>    confusing.
If a timeout occurs, periodic transmission of link summary should be

>3. [Parameter] Negotiability is described in terms of objects. Some objects
>   subobjects and/or several attributes. Negotiability at these "lower
>   need to be spelt out.
>  For example, consider the DATA LINK object; it is negotiable. And so, are
>  subobjects.  The data link sub-object carry interface switching
capability, bandwidth 
>  and encoding type.  Can we interpret then that ALL of these are
negotiable parameters?. 
>  If they are, spelling them out would help.
Having negotiable parameters doesn't ensure convergence as the acceptable
parameter list isn't guaranteed to overlap.  As such, I'm not sure it's
necessary to define negotiability at the "lower granularities".

>4. Under TE Link FSM, evDCDown is interpreted as "Last data channel of TE
Link has been 
>   removed
>   Under data bearing link evDCDown is described as "data link is no longer
>   Administratively shutting down a data bearing link could fit the "no
longer available"
>   description. Yet, the data bearing link could well be a member of a TE
Link (i.e. 
>   might not have been removed). Suggest using the same description.
The difference is that the TE Link event is referring to a Data Link being
removed from the resource pool, whereas the Data Link event is referring to

Please see rest of the comments to be embedded; look for lines starting with


1. Introduction 
   For the purposes of this document, a data-bearing link may be either 
   a "port" or a "component link" depending on its multiplexing 
   capability; component links are multiplex capable, whereas ports are 
   not multiplex capable.  This distinction is important since the 
   management of such links (including, for example, resource 
   allocation, label assignment, and their physical verification) is 
   different based on their multiplexing capability.  For example, a 
   SONET crossconnect with OC-192 interfaces may be able to demultiplex 
   the OC-192 stream into four OC-48 streams.  If multiple interfaces 
   are grouped together into a single TE link using link bundling 
   [BUNDLE], then the link resources must be identified using three 
   levels: TE link Id, component interface Id, and timeslot label.  
   Resource allocation happens at the lowest level (timeslots), but 
   physical connectivity happens at the component link level.  As 
   another example, consider the case where a PXC transparently 
   switches OC-192 lightpaths.  If multiple interfaces are once again 
   grouped together into a single TE link, then link bundling [BUNDLE] 
   is not required and only two levels of identification are required:  
   TE link Id and port Id.  In this case, both resource allocation and 
   physical connectivity happen at the lowest level (i.e. port level). 

BM> It looks like a TE Link is a "group of interfaces", regardless
BM> of whether they are bundled.
BM> Why "group" multiple interfaces (into a TE Link), if bundling
BM> and the associated benefits are the not the objective?
[Jonathan] The purpose of forming a TE link is "to group/map the information
about certain physical resources (and their properties) into the information
that is used by Constrained SPF for the purpose of path computation, and by
GMPLS signaling." (see draft-ccamp-gmpls-routing).  Bundling strictly refers
to the [BUNDLE] draft.  You can have benefits from aggregation of interfaces
into a TE Link without using the [BUNDLE] draft.  

   LMP is designed to support aggregation of one or more data-bearing 
   links into a TE link (either ports into TE links, or component links 
   into TE links). 

BM> An example of "unbundled aggregation of data links into a
BM> TE Link" would greatly help to clear up
[Jonathan] This is given 2 paragraphs above.  I can see about adding more
detail to clarify...

2. LMP Overview 
   The two core procedures of LMP are control channel management and 
   link property correlation.  Control channel management is used to 
   establish and maintain control channels between adjacent nodes.  
   This is done using a Config message exchange and a fast keep-alive 
   mechanism between the nodes.  The latter is required if lower-level 
   mechanisms are not available to detect control channel failures.  
   Link property correlation is used to synchronize the TE link 
   properties and verify configuration. 
   LMP requires that a pair of nodes have at least one active bi-
   directional control channel between them.  The two directions of the 

BM> Aren't control channels always bidirectional?. The successful
BM> config message exchange always marks the "bidirectional
BM> control channel establishment", isn't it?
BM> Suggest removing the word bidirectional from references to IPCC.
I don't think it hurts to say it explicitly.

   control channel are coupled together using the LMP Config message 
   exchange.  All LMP messages are IP encoded [except in some cases, 
   the Test Message which may be limited by the transport mechanism for 
   in-band messaging].  The link level encoding of the control channel 
   is outside the scope of this document. 
Lang et al                                                    [Page 4] 

Internet Draft       draft-ietf-ccamp-lmp-02.txt        November 2001 

   An "LMP adjacency" is formed between two nodes when at least one bi-
   directional control channel is established between them.  Multiple 
   control channels may be active simultaneously for each adjacency; 
   control channel parameters, however, MUST be individually negotiated 
   for each control channel.  If the LMP fast keep-alive is used over a 
   control channel, LMP Hello messages MUST be exchanged by the 
   adjacent nodes over the control channel.  Other LMP messages MAY be 
   transmitted over any of the active control channels between a pair 
   of adjacent nodes.  One or more active control channels may be 
   grouped into a logical control channel for signaling, routing, and 
   link property correlation purposes. 
BM> This (the concept of logical control channel) applies to an
BM> treatment of multiple control channels and should be removed to avoid
BM> Logical control channels are not discussed elsewhere in the document.
[Jonathan] For practical purposes, I think the concept is important.  The
fact that multiple LMP control channels is exposed as a single logical
control channel for higher layers is a key feature.  This allows only a
single adjacency at the higher layers, while underneath you can have
multiple LMP adjacencies.

   The link property correlation function of LMP is designed to 
   aggregate multiple data links (ports or component links) into a TE 
   link and to synchronize the properties of the TE link.  As part of 
   the link property correlation function, a LinkSummary message 
   exchange is defined.  The LinkSummary message includes the local and 
   remote TE Link Ids, a list of all data glinks that comprise the TE 
BM>                                        links
[Jonathan] done

   link, and various link properties.  A LinkSummaryAck or 
   LinkSummaryNack message MUST be sent in response to the receipt of a 
   LinkSummary message indicating agreement or disagreement on the link 
   For the LMP link connectivity verification procedure, the free 
   (unallocated) data-bearing links MUST be opaque (i.e., able to be 
   terminated); however, once a data link is allocated, it may become 
   transparent.  The LMP link connectivity verification procedure is 
   coordinated using a BeginVerify message exchange over a control 
   channel.  To support various degrees of transparency (e.g., 
   examining overhead bytes, terminating the payload, etc.), and hence, 
   different mechanisms to transport the Test messages, a Verify 
   Transport Mechanism is included in the BeginVerify and 
   BeginVerifyAck messages.  Note that there is no requirement that all 
   data-bearing links must be terminated simultaneously, but at a 
   minimum, it must be possible to terminate them one at a time.  There 
   is also no requirement that the control channel and TE link use the 
   same physical medium; however, the control channel MUST terminate on 
   the same two nodes that the TE link spans.  Since the BeginVerify 

BM> This is true for ALL LMP procedures, not just for connectivity
BM> verification. i.e. CC, by definition, is between a pair of neighbors.

3. Control Channel Management 
3.2. Hello Protocol 
3.2.3. Control Channel Down 
   To allow bringing a control channel DOWN gracefully for 
   administration purposes, a ControlChannelDown flag is available in 
   the Common Header of LMP packets.  When data links are still in use 
   between a pair of nodes, a control channel SHOULD only be taken down 
   administratively when there are other active control channels that 
   can be used to manage the data links. 
   When bringing a control channel DOWN administratively, a node MUST 
   set the ControlChannelDown flag in all LMP messages sent over the 
   control channel.  The node may stop sending Hello messages after 
   HelloDeadInterval seconds have passed, or if it receives an LMP 
   message over the same control channel with the ControlChannelDown 
   flag set. 
   When a node receives an LMP packet with the ControlChannelDown flag 
   set, it SHOULD send a Hello message with the ControlChannelDown flag 
   set and move the control channel to the Down state.

BM> On the receiving node, suggest transitioning to CONFSND state rather
BM> than DOWN state.. otherwise, it could not automatically get into
BM> config procedure- i.e. would need a trigger/event
BM> On the sending side, the trigger is the operator command to bring up
BM> the control channel
As it stands, an implementation may have an automatic trigger taking you
from Down to CONFSND or CONFRCV.

4. Link Property Correlation 
   Each TE link has an identifier (Link_Id) that is assigned at each 
   end of the link.  These identifiers MUST be the same type (i.e, 
   IPv4, IPv6, unnumbered) at both ends.  Similarly, each interface is 
   assigned an identifier (Interface_Id) at each end.  These 
   identifiers MUST be the same type at both ends.

BM> Why the restriction that both ends of a TE Link have to use the same
BM> identification?
[Jonathan] Having the same type of identification is just a restriction of
IP architecture (as in IP you can't have a link whose one end is numbered
and another is unnumbered).


7. Message_Id Usage 

   Nodes processing incoming messages SHOULD check to see if a newly 
   received message is out of order and can be ignored.  Out-of-order 
   messages can be identified by examining the value in the Message_Id 
   If the message is a Config message, and the Message_Id value is less 
   than the largest Message_Id value previously received from the 
   sender for the CCID, then the message SHOULD be treated as being out 
   of order. 
   If the message is a LinkSummary message and the Message_Id value is 
   less than the largest Message_Id value previously received from the 
   sender for the TE Link, then the message SHOULD be treated as being 
   out of order.

BM> Isn't this logic true for link verification as well?
[Jonathan] no.  Out-of-order link verification messages should be accepted.

8. Graceful Restart 
   This section describes the mechanism to resynchronize the LMP state 
   after a control plane restart.  A control plane restart may occur 
   when bringing up the first control channel after an LMP adjacency 
   has failed, or as a result of an LMP component restart.  The latter 
   is detected by setting the "Control Plane Restart" bit in the Common 

BM> Isn't the bit called LMP Restart?
[Jonathan] yes.  I've corrected the text as you suggest.

   LMP Finite State Machines 
     TE Link FSM 
   The TE Link FSM defines the states and logics of operation of an LMP 
   TE Link. 
12.2.1. TE Link States 
   An LMP TE link can be in one of the states described below. Every 
   state corresponds to a certain condition of the TE link and is 
   usually associated with a specific type of LMP message that is 
   periodically transmitted to the far end via the associated control 
   channel or in-band via the data links. 
   Down:       There are no data links allocated to the TE link. 
   Init:       Data links have been allocated to the TE link, but the 
               configuration has not yet been synchronized with the LMP 

BM> I guess we are saying that once initially synchronized, subsequent
BM> to TE Links that cause link summary to run could happen whilst the TE
BM> is still in UP state. 
[Jonathan] yes
BM> In the middle of the day, is the IDs and/or other properties
BM> of links are changed such that a TE Links go out of synchronization,
BM> should we go back to "Init" state?, such that the above definition of
BM> Init state is observed all the time?
[Jonathan] It doesn't make sense to change TE link properties if it is part
of a data connection.

   Up:         This is the normal operational state of the TE link.  At 
               least one primary CC is required to be operational 
               between the nodes sharing the TE link. 
   Degraded:   In this state, all primary CCs are down, but the TE link 
               still includes some allocated data links. 

BM> Does the term "allocated" here refer to "allocated to data traffic"?
BM> I don't think so.. but could we be explicit?
[Jonathan]yes it does.  I will change wording to say "includes some data
links that are allocated to data traffic."

BM> Related question. Whilst in Init state, if the last CC goes down,
BM> Shouldn't the TE Link go into degraded?
[Jonathan]no.  Degraded implies data links are allocated to data traffic

12.2.3. TE Link FSM Description 
   Figure 4 illustrates operation of the LMP TE Link FSM in a form of 
   FSM state transition diagram. 
                                     |  | 
                                     |  v 
                                  |        | 
                    +------------>|  Down  |<---------+ 
                    |             |        |          | 
                    |             +--------+          | 
                    |                |  ^             | 
                    |               1|  |9            | 
                    |                v  |             | 
                    |             +--------+          | 
                    |             |        |<-+       | 
                    |             |  Init  |  |3,5,6  |9 
                    |             |        |--+ 7,8   | 
                   9|             +--------+          | 
                    |                  |              | 
                    |               2,4|              | 
                    |                  v              | 
                 +--------+   7   +--------+          | 
                 |        |------>|        |----------+ 
                 |  Deg   |       |   Up   | 
                 |        |<------|        | 
                 +--------+   8   +--------+ 
                                     |  ^ 
                                     |  | 
                         Figure 4: LMP TE Link FSM 
   In the above FSM, the sub-states that may be implemented when the 
   link verification procedure is used have been omitted. 

BM> Consider a TE Link that transitions to Down state via Degraded.. it
BM> has no data links and no CCs either. If now a DC is added to the TE
BM> Link, shouldn't it go [back] to degraded state, rather than Init.
BM> When a TE Link in the Down state gets a new data link, it fits
BM> the definition of the degraded state.
[Jonathan]no.  Degraded applies only when data links are allocated to data


   LMP Message Formats 
   All LMP messages are IP encoded (except, in some cases, the Test 
   messages are limited by the transport mechanism for in-band 
   messaging) with protocol number xxx - TBA (to be assigned) by IANA. 
     Common Header 
   In addition to the standard IP header, all LMP messages (except, in 
   some cases, the Test messages which are limited by the transport 
   mechanism for in-band messaging) have the following common header: 
    0                   1                   2                   3 
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 
   | Vers  |      (Reserved)       |    Flags      |    Msg Type   | 
   |          LMP Length           |           Checksum            | 
   Vers: 4 bits 
        Protocol version number.  This is version 1. 
   Flags: 8 bits.  The following values are defined.  All other values 
          are reserved. 
        0x01: ControlChannelDown 
        0x02: LMP Restart 
               This bit is set to indicate the LMP component has 
               restarted.  This flag may be reset to 0 when a Hello 
               message is received with RcvSeqNum equal to the local 
        0x04: LMP-WDM Support 
               When set, indicates that this node is willing and 
               capable of receiving all the messages and objects 
               described in [LMP-DWDM]. 
        0x08: Authentication 
               When set, this bit indicates that an authentication 
               block is attached at the end of the LMP message.  See 
               Sections 7 and 9.3 for more details. 
   Msg Type: 8 bits.  The following values are defined.  All other 
             values are reserved. 
        1  = Config 
        2  = ConfigAck 
        3  = ConfigNack 
        4  = Hello 
        5  = BeginVerify 
        6  = BeginVerifyAck 
        7  = BeginVerifyNack 
        8  = EndVerify 
        9  = EndVerifyAck 
        10 = Test 
        11 = TestStatusSuccess 
        12 = TestStatusFailure 
        13 = TestStatusAck 
        14 = LinkSummary 
        15 = LinkSummaryAck 
        16 = LinkSummaryNack 
        17 = ChannelStatus 
        18 = ChannelStatusAck 
        19 = ChannelStatusRequest 
        20 = ChannelStatusResponse 
        All of the messages are sent over the control channel EXCEPT 
        the Test message, which is sent over the data link that is 
        being tested. 
   LMP Length: 16 bits 
        The total length of this LMP message in bytes, including the 
        common header and any variable-length objects that follow. 
   Checksum: 16 bits 
        The standard IP checksum of the entire contents of the LMP 
        message, starting with the LMP message header. This checksum is 
        calculated as the 16-bit one's complement of the one's 
        complement sum of all the 16-bit words in the packet. If the 
        packet's length is not an integral number of 16-bit words, the 
        packet is padded with a byte of zero before calculating the 

BM> One thing that will be of great help for implementation is a "message
BM> specific" field (perhaps a couple of them). An example use of such a
BM> could be to store the number of data link objects in a link summary
BM> and link summary ack message.

     Parameter Negotiation Messages 

BM> Suggest changing to "Hello parameter negotiation messages".
[Jonathan]I'd rather not.  Currently all that is exchanged in Config is
Hello parameters, but this may not always be the case.

13.4.1. Config Message (MsgType = 1) 
   The Config message is used in the control channel negotiation phase 
   of LMP.  The contents of the Config message are built using LMP 
   objects.  The format of the Config message is as follows: 
   <Config Message> ::= <Common Header> <LOCAL_CCID> <MESSAGE_ID> 
                        <LOCAL_NODE_ID> <CONFIG> 
   The above transmission order SHOULD be followed. 

BM> If order is to be followed for ALL messages, include it in one
BM> place at beginning of section 13
[Jonathan]Since these are objects, they may come in any order.  However
Common Header must the first thing in an Lmp frame.
   The MESSAGE_ID is within the scope of the CCID. 
   The Config message MUST be periodically transmitted until (1) it 
   receives a ConfigAck or ConfigNack message, (2) a timeout expires 
   and no ConfigAck or ConfigNack message has been received, or (3) it 
   receives a Config message from the remote node and has lost the 
   contention (e.g., the Node Id of the remote node is higher than the 
   Node Id of the local node).  Both the retransmission interval and 
   the timeout period are local configuration parameters. 
     Hello Message (MsgType = 4) 
   The format of the Hello message is as follows: 
   <Hello Message> ::= <Common Header> <LOCAL_CCID> <Hello> 

BM>                                                 ^^^^^^ Should be in
upper case

13.7.3. LinkSummaryNack Message (MsgType = 16) 
   The LinkSummaryNack message is used to indicate disagreement on non-
   negotiated parameters or propose other values for negotiable 
   parameters.  Parameters where agreement was reached MUST NOT be 
   included in the LinkSummaryNack Object. 
   <LinkSummaryNack Message> ::= <Common Header> <MESSAGE_ID_ACK> 
                                 <ERROR_CODE> [<DATA_LINK>...] 
   The above transmission order SHOULD be followed. 
   The LinkSummary TLVs MUST include acceptable values for all 
   negotiable parameters.  If the LinkSummaryNack includes LinkSummary 
   TLVs for non-negotiable parameters, they MUST be copied from the 
   LinkSummary TLVs received in the LinkSummary message. 
   If the LinkSummaryNack message is received and only includes 
   negotiable parameters, then a new LinkSummary message SHOULD be 
   sent.  The values received in the new LinkSummary message SHOULD 
   take into account the acceptable parameters included in the 
   LinkSummaryNack message. 

BM> It looks like sending a linksummarynack that includes both
BM> parameters as well as negotiable parameters is kind of useless..
BM> because the initiator will not resend a link summary in that case. Yes?
[Jonathan]It provides information as to why the link will not be brought up.
This can be used to correct a misconfiguration.

   LMP Object Definitions 
     CCID (Control Channel ID) Classes 
14.1.1. LOCAL_CCID Class 
   Class = 1.  
   o    C-Type = 1 
    0                   1                   2                   3 
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 
   |                            CC_Id                              | 
   CC_Id:  32 bits 
        This MUST be node-wide unique and non-zero.  The CC_Id 
        identifies the control channel of the sender associated with 
        the message. 
   This Object is non-negotiable. 

BM> Suggestion: Why not reserve C-Type = 2 for OIF- OIF OUNI 125.7 allows
BM> CCID to be either numbered (IPv4) or unnumbered.
[Jonathan]The CCId is defined as a 32-bit number.  Both IPv4 and unnumbered
fit into this case.  I don't think any distinction is needed in this case.
     CONFIG Class 
   Class = 11. 
   o    HelloConfig, C-Type = 1 
    0                   1                   2                   3 
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 
   |         HelloInterval         |      HelloDeadInterval        | 
   HelloInterval:  16 bits. 
        Indicates how frequently the Hello packets will be sent and is 
        measured in milliseconds (ms). 
   HelloDeadInterval:  16 bits. 
        If no Hello packets are received within the HelloDeadInterval, 
        the control channel is assumed to have failed.  The 
        HelloDeadInterval is measured in milliseconds (ms).  The 
        HelloDeadInterval MUST be greater than the HelloInterval, and 
        SHOULD be at least 3 times the value of HelloInterval. 
   If the fast keep-alive mechanism of LMP is not used, the 
   HelloInterval and HelloDeadInterval MUST be set to zero. 

BM> Given that the only parameters negotiated by Hello COnfig are
BM> these two parameters, if fast keep-alive mechanism is not used,
BM> why bother with Hello Config protocol? Why then say Hello Config
BM> is mandatory?
[Jonathan]The Config message can still be used to indicate that Hellos will
not be used.
14.16.  ERROR_CODE Class 
   Class = 20. 
   o    CONFIG_ERROR, C-Type = 1 
    0                   1                   2                   3 
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 
   |                          ERROR CODE                           | 
        The following bit-values are defined: 
        0x01 = Unacceptable non-negotiable CONFIG parameter 
        0x02 = Renegotiate CONFIG parameter 
        0x04 = Bad Received CCID 
        All other values are Reserved. 
        Multiple bits may be set to indicate multiple errors. 
        This Object is non-negotiable. 

BM> How about adding a bit for "Ill-formed message" to cover 
BM> such cases as object-order-violations?
BM> THese could be under a special C-Type, say, PROTOCOL_ERROR
Good idea about a PROTOCOL_ERROR C-Type.  As a side note, object order is a
SHOULD, so violations must not result in an ERROR.